Reputation: 29
Here's my problem.
So, applied to the range K3:K10
, I have several different conditional formatting rules that require a specific text string comprised of the contents of a referenced cell plus a constant text string. Each rule applies a different colour for a specific referenced cell and constant text string (DEAD or ALIVE) combination. For example, in the range, if a cell contains the word "Dog", then a space, and then the word "Dead", it will be formatted Red. The legend in columns D
and E
show what colours apply to each animal for the combination of criteria (Animal and Dead/Alive). What I want to do is, to be able to choose a colour for an animal with a drop down list in Column C
, and have the CF change the formatting of any of the cells within the range K3:K10
to match the formatting/style of the relevant row in column C
when a particular rule is true.
So, if K3
is "Dog Dead", then apply the same formatting as in cell D3
or if it is "Dog Alive" apply the same formatting as E3
. I don't want to just ask CF to make any cell containing "Dog Dead" red or "Dog Alive" light red, because the colour for dog might not be red. It could be green, or blue.
So, I guess I want to achieve dynamic conditional formatting using VBA I think. Can someone help me get started?
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Views: 2332
Reputation: 1717
Starting Point !!
In the Sheet event:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ApplyCond Range("K" & Target.Row)
End Sub
And in a Module:
Public Sub ApplyCond(xx As Range)
If xx.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
xx.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
kk = Split(xx.Value)
a = -1
b = -1
For i = LBound(kk) To UBound(kk)
Select Case kk(i)
Case "Dead": a = 4
Case "Alive": a = 5
Case Else
For e = 3 To 9999
If Range("B" & e).Value = "" Then Exit For
If Range("B" & e).Value = kk(i) Then
b = e
End If
End Select
' Apply Format
On Error Resume Next
If (a > 0) And (b > 0) Then
With xx.FormatConditions(1).Interior
.PatternColorIndex = Cells(b, a).Interior.PatternColorIndex
.Color = Cells(b, a).Interior.Color
.TintAndShade = Cells(b, a).Interior.TintAndShade
.Pattern = Cells(b, a).Interior.Pattern
.PatternThemeColor = Cells(b, a).Interior.PatternThemeColor
.ThemeColor = Cells(b, a).Interior.ThemeColor
.PatternTintAndShade = Cells(b, a).Interior.PatternTintAndShade
End With
With xx.FormatConditions(1).Font
.Bold = Cells(b, a).Font.Bold
.Italic = Cells(b, a).Font.Italic
.Underline = Cells(b, a).Font.Underline
.Strikethrough = Cells(b, a).Font.Strikethrough
.ThemeColor = Cells(b, a).Font.ThemeColor
.TintAndShade = Cells(b, a).Font.TintAndShade
.Color = Cells(b, a).Font.Color
.TintAndShade = Cells(b, a).Font.TintAndShade
End With
End If
End Sub
You need to verify the Split formula. Perhaps it's better to use a LCase function or other filter.
In my function I don't use the column "C".
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