Reputation: 755
How can I list the names and/or values of all "variables" (not just vars) in a scope/environment/binding?
To clarify, in the middle of a program/script or at some point in a REPL, I need to either (1) generate a list or (2) print a list of all entities that can be accessed by a Scala statement.
Upvotes: 9
Views: 4588
Reputation: 39577
The question can be construed broadly, but for example the REPL has some support for javax.script
with scoped bindings:
$ scala
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_11).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> val e = $intp.asInstanceOf[javax.script.ScriptEngine]
e: javax.script.ScriptEngine =$ILoopInterpreter@2b71fc7e
scala> e.getContext
res0: javax.script.ScriptContext = javax.script.SimpleScriptContext@63c12fb0
scala> e.getContext.getScopes
res1: java.util.List[Integer] = [100, 200]
scala> e.getContext.getBindings(100)
res2: javax.script.Bindings = {}
And the REPL itself keeps a scope that can be queried, representing the history of the current session that is automatically imported into the current line of script:
scala> $intp.replScope
res3: $ = Scopes(value $intp, value e, value res0, value res1, value res2)
It's also possible to exercise REPL's completion mechanism:
scala> :power
** Power User mode enabled - BEEP WHIR GYVE **
** :phase has been set to 'typer'. **
** has been imported **
** global._, definitions._ also imported **
** Try :help, :vals, power.<tab> **
scala> reader.completion
res4: =
scala> res4.completer.complete("",0)
res6: = Candidates(0,List($intp, $ires0, $ires1, $ires10, $ires11, $ires12, $ires13, $ires14, $ires15, $ires16, $ires17, $ires18, $ires2, $ires3, $ires4, $ires5, $ires6, $ires7, $ires8, $ires9, $r, AND, BLOCK, CASE, DEFAULT, FALSE, IF, LIT, NEW, NOT, NULL, REF, SOME, SelectStart, TRUE, TRY, UNIT, ZERO, analyzer, classOf, completion, e, fn, global, history, intp, isettings, lastRequest, mkTreeFromSelectStart, mkTreeMethods, mkTreeMethodsFromSelectStart, mkTreeMethodsFromSymbol, nullSafe, phased, power, r, reader, repl, replImplicits, res0, res1, res2, res3, res4, returning, scala$tools$nsc$ast$TreeDSL$CODE$$$outer, treedsl, typed, typer, vals))
A single tab in the REPL console offers the autocomplete feature, which here shows all the junk in my current dir, which is on the class path by default:
$ scala
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_11).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
$intp broken enumtest inheritthewind maker oracle sbtbomb thingy
P bumper erased inlined mangled orelse scala throwgen
Q butwhen exh inliner mapeach org scallop thrownull
SO22581163 bytype eyeshadow inner maqicode othercase scrap tiles
_root_ callbacks fany inputcheck matchprim out scripts timezone
a capture featureless intcake maybeamb overdone searchme tmp
abjectfuture cce ff interp maykov overnullary selfpub toString
absval cdtest fielding interpat metamac pathmaker seqto tops
adaptation charmatch filloval intpbind mkarray peasy serialmigration trial
akka choosy filrdr intupolated mksym pet serious tribool
algedu classOf findwidgets invokeFrom modtest petconfig shapelessed tricks
angeldance classmatch finf isInstanceOf myanno phyl simple-swing trivial
annee classy fixedimp isanon mydays pickit singleton tryxform
annie cmpprs fixes isfun myintp pimpin slider tstest
annoconst coltfred fixme isscala mypkg pkginvoke slow typeref
annot com flib java mypriv plugincp smtest tztest
anymember compilit foodir javafx nestedmain plugs sobral unapplynull
anything convprs fooplus javax netscape pointers somatch unavail
applied copier for29 jbyte newfrom pointopt some_package unensured
arrow corner formac jdk nextcompleted pos sortitout unused
asInstanceOf counted ftw jex niolock poster sounds updater
atrait countints funk jext noany pow specbug valdef
autoenum cr funkstr jline noapp preferthunk speck vec
auxctor ctag futfilter jmap nodep prettycase splitat version
bad-scales curtest futuremap jover nofeature primover stale vowelshift
badXlint cyclic fval jperms nofuture printer statik w
badaccess dbadd gline junk noimp privctor str2int warnadapt
badbob default-tparam global k noinline privover strtyp weakerr
badgeneric delayed goodbye kcharex nointerp procked structural-return welper
badimp delayedsignal gr keptstar nonl protcase stupid whose
badinherit delineate grapher kmap norec protval succinctly widgets
badmap demoapi groupby lazyparadox nosehorn publicity sun wrappedarray
badmatch dep guiced lazyside nothingannot q superduper wtf
badover doc guy lazysplit ns qqparms sxema x
badoverride dockable halfinterval lib nts quickly syncd xmladd
badpath dosth here liner nullgroup quoterep syshook xmlex
badpkg doublearrow hidden linetest nullpair rawj t1 xmlregex
badseal dummyonly hiddenimport linted nulltype raws t1807 xmlreplace
badstrimp dynospec id linty nummaker reader t5148 xmlsub
badvargs earlier imparted lit off reflectenum t5589 xmlt
badvol eatery imparter littlecake oiler5 replslow t7121 xxx
bigmethod email impctx looker old-and-blue repro t7775 zed
binder empty impless lookit oldname required t8433
biterpolator emptypackage impmag lookup om sample-foo tabpane
blocking enclosing imptest loopy oneq samplewarn taggedparam
blownfuture enclosingcls imptrait macinfer oops saver target
bounded enpatch include macvar optdate sbt-test teachers
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 20885
This is impossible to do at runtime -at least not the way you want- because the JVM is not organized as a giant table of symbols updated after each statment, that you can query at any time and find named entities, as you call them (and I think this is true across languages and environments).
You could try to query something that is indeed organized as a table, like the methods of a class/interface, but you must know the fully qualified name of the class before making the query. To give you a quick example, per how class loading works, the JVM isn't even able to enumerate what classes you can create, because new ones can be created on the fly or retrieved from some repository. Take another example, import
's don't even exist at runtime...
You have to narrow your requirements. For example if you target the REPL, you may be able (but the effort will be huge) to modify it in order to mess with its internal data structures. Similarily, if you target a script and have access to the sources, you could in theory modify the compiler with a plugin that does the work you need. Be warned that I only mentioned these things but would never consider to do such a thing myself because that would require a lot of effort and I can't see any real need.
Upvotes: 1