
Reputation: 37377

stop script debug error dialogs occur in ie8?

I get this,

alt text

clicking 'no' means the page displays flawlessly.

it's refering to this part of jquery1.4.2.js:

// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
get: function( num ) {
    return num == null ?

        // Return a 'clean' array
        this.toArray() :

        // Return just the object
        ( num < 0 ? this.slice(num)[ 0 ] : this[ num ] );

I assume i'm calling something in the wrong context somewhere in one of my js files (which would be a real mission to find).

Will standard IE8 users get this error?

(i imagine ms make it pretty difficult to reinstall ie!)

my javascript:

var IE = /*@cc_on!@*/false; 

    // mark events as not loaded
        t1_loaded: false,
        t2_loaded: false,
        t3_loaded: false,
        art_req: false

    //mark no events have been clicked
    $('#wrap_right').data('first_click_made', false);

    $('#wrap_right .rs_tabs li').live('click', function(){
        var id = $('#wrap_right').data('curr_event');
        var tab = parseInt($(this).attr('rel'));
        do_tab(id, tab);        

    // cal-block event click
    $('#cal_blocks div.event, #main_search div.event').live('click', function(){
        var id = $(this).attr('id').split('e')[1];
        window.location.hash = id;

    // jq history

    // search
            callback: function(){
                var q = $('#search_input').attr('value');
            wait : 350,
            highlight : false,
            captureLength : 2

    $('#search_input, #main_search div.close').live('click',function(){


    //artist names in event desc -> scroll
    $('#wrap_right .art_link').live('click', function(){                    
        var art_id = $(this).attr('rel');   
        var id = $('#wrap_right').data('curr_event');
        $('#e'+id).data('art_req', art_id);
        $('#rs_'+id+' .t2').click();        



    function event_load(id){
        console.log('function called: event_load');
        //mark current event    
        $('#wrap_right').data('curr_event', id);

        //hide any other events
        if($('#wrap_right').data('first_click_made') === true)
                $('#wrap_right .event_rs').hide();

        //frame loaded before?
        var loaded = $('#e'+id).data('t1_loaded');
        if(loaded === true) {
        else {

        //open/load the first tab
        $('#rs_'+id+' .t1').click();
        $('#cal_blocks').scrollTo('#e'+id, 1000, {offset: {top:-220, left:0}});

    function create_frame(id){
        console.log('function called: create_frame');
        var art = ents[id].art;
        var ven = ents[id].ven;
        var type = ents[id].gig_club;
        var nn = ents[id].nn;   
        var ven_add = ents[id].venue;

        //select colours for tabs
        if(type  == 1){ var label = 'gig';}
        else if(type  == 2){ var label = 'club';}
        else if(type  == 0){ var label = 'other';}

        //create rs container for this event
        var frame =             '<div id="rs_'+id+'" class="event_rs">';
        frame +=                '<div class="title_strip">';
        frame +=                '<p class="rs_nn hf_font">'+nn+'</p><p class="rs_ven">'+ven_add+'</p>';
        frame +=                '</div>';
        frame +=                '<div class="rs_tabs"><ul class="'+label+'"><li class="t1 nav_tab1 curr_tab hand" rel="1"></li>';
        if(art == 1){frame +=   '<li class="t2 nav_tab2 hand" rel="2"></li>';}
        if(ven == 1){frame +=   '<li class="t3 nav_tab2 hand" rel="3"></li>';}
        frame +=                '</ul></div>';
        frame +=                '<div id="rs_content"><div class="tab_body tab1" ></div>';
        if(art == 1){frame +=   '<div class="tab_body tab2"></div>';}
        if(ven == 1){frame +=   '<div class="tab_body tab3"></div>';}
        frame +=                '</div>';
        frame +=                '</div>';

    //load or show required tab
    function do_tab(id, tab){
        console.log('function called: do_tab');
        //hide other tabs
        $('#rs_'+id+' .tab_body').hide();   
        //mark current(clicked) tab
        $('#rs_'+id+' .rs_tabs li').removeClass('curr_tab');
        $('#rs_'+id+' .rs_tabs .t'+tab).addClass('curr_tab');

        //is the tab already loaded and hidden?
        var loaded = $('#e'+id).data('t'+tab+'_loaded');
        if(loaded === true)
                $('#rs_'+id+' .tab'+tab).show();
                if (tab == 2) { art_requested(id); }
                //ajax load in the tab
                $('#rs_'+id+' .tab'+tab).load('index_files/tab'+tab+'.php?id='+id, function(){                  
                    //after load callback
                    if (tab == 1)
                        { setup_tab_1(id); }
                    if (tab == 2) { setup_tab_2(id); }                                  
                //mark tab as loaded
                $('#e'+id).data('t'+tab+'_loaded', true);
                //fade in current tab
                $('#rs_'+id+' .tab'+tab).fadeIn(600);           

    //mark current event in cal-blocks  
    function mark_current(id){
        console.log('function called: mark_current');
        $('#cal_blocks .event_sel').removeClass('event_sel');

    //setup tab 1   
    function setup_tab_1(id){
        console.log('function called: setup_tab_1');    
        $('#rs_' + id + ' .frame').fadeIn(600);

        var $img = $('#rs_'+id+' .event_img');
        var rel = $img.attr('rel');
        if (rel !== '')
                $img.live('click', function(){
                    $.fn.colorbox({href: rel, overlayClose: true});

        if($('#wrap_right').data('first_click_made') === false)
                //$('#rs_'+id+' .rs_tabs').delay(800).fadeIn(600);
                $('#wrap_right').data('first_click_made', true);

    //setup tab 2
    function setup_tab_2(id) {
        console.log('function called: setup_tab_2');
        $('#rs_'+id+' #art_scrollable').scrollable({
            size: 1,
            easing: 'swing',
            clickable: false,
            onBeforeSeek: function(){before();},
            onSeek: function(){after();}

    //check to see if an artist has been requested
    function art_requested(id){
        console.log('function called: art_requested');
        var art_req = $('#e'+id).data('art_req');   
        if(art_req !== false)

    //scroll artist panes smoothly (scroll bars cause glitches otherwise)

    function before (){ 
        if(!IE){$('#art_scrollable .bio_etc').css('overflow','-moz-scrollbars-none');}

    function after (){          
        if(!IE){$('#art_scrollable .bio_etc').css('overflow','auto');}


    function prep_media_carousel(){
        console.log('function called: prep_media_carousel');
        //youtube and soundcloud player
        $("#rs_content .yt_scrollable a.yt, #rs_content .yt_scrollable a.sc").colorbox({                
            overlayClose : false,
            opacity : 0


    function make_carousel_scrollable(unique_id){
        console.log('function called: make_carousel_scrollable');   

    function check_l_r_arrows(total, counter, art_id){
        console.log('function called: check_l_r_arrows');
        //left arrow
        if(counter > 0)

        //right arrow   
        if(counter < total-3)

    //load facebook scripts
    function load_fb_js(){
        console.log('function called: load_fb_js');
        $.getScript('http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/connect.php/en_GB', function(){

    // SEARCH
    function reset_srch_res(){

    function search(q){
            console.log('function called: search');
                type: 'GET',
                url: 'index_files/srch/search.php?q='+q,
                success: function(e)

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1049

Answers (1)


Reputation: 414036

They'll get a little yellow icon in the bottom, or else they'll see exactly what you see, depending on the way the browser is set up. I suspect that, in some way, your page is not without flaw. You should be able to use the developer tools to check a stack trace and figure out where in your code the error is happening. Alternatively, you can bracket code with try/catch blocks and seek out the error that way.

[edit] Here's what the browser shows, in the lower left corner: alt text
(source: gutfullofbeer.net)

Double-clicking on that brings up the same error dialog you see.

Upvotes: 2

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