Reputation: 2440
In system network preference there are some location names.How to get the current or active network location name and list of all network locations?
I guess SystemConfiguration.framework supports this but i didn't get exactly which API to use.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Devara Gudda
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2615
Reputation: 508
This is a swift 5.1 implementation to get list of all available network location
func getAvailabeNetworkLocation() -> [String]
var results = [String]()
var prefs : SCPreferences
prefs = SCPreferencesCreate (nil, "Softech" as CFString, nil)!
var sets : CFArray
sets = SCNetworkSetCopyAll (prefs)!
let count = CFArrayGetCount(sets) as Int
var newSet : SCNetworkSet? = nil
var bFound : Bool = false
for nIndex in 0..<count {
let mySet = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (sets, nIndex)
let key = Unmanaged<SCNetworkSet>.fromOpaque(mySet!)
newSet = key.takeUnretainedValue()
let name : String = SCNetworkSetGetName(newSet!)! as String
print("Network location name: \(name)")
return results
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 77450
You can use SCPreferencesCreate
to get the preferences, then SCNetworkSetCopyAll
to get just the network locations. SCNetworkSetGetName
will get the name of a location.
SCPreferencesRef prefs = SCPreferencesCreate(NULL, @"SystemConfiguration", NULL);
NSArray *locations = (NSArray *)SCNetworkSetCopyAll(prefs);
for (id item in locations) {
NSString *name = (NSString *)SCNetworkSetGetName((SCNetworkSetRef)item);
Read "System Configuration Programming Guidelines" for more.
Upvotes: 7