Reputation: 465
I use this code to export a pdf file from a word document.
Before exporting I need to check first if a file with the same name is already open, and if so close it then export.
I tried many things but had no luck.
Dim adbApp As Acrobat.AcroApp
Dim adbDoc As Acrobat.AcroAVDoc
Dim adbPageView As Acrobat.AcroAVPageView
Set adbApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
Set adbDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
If adbDoc.Open("C:\Current Letter Preview.pdf", "") = True Then '==> If the file is not open, this line opens it
adbDoc.Close (1) '==> Then close it
If adbDoc Is Nothing Then '==> Doesn't understand that I want to check if any pdf files are open
End If
Set adbApp = Nothing
End If
Dim wordApp As Word.Application
Dim wordDoc As Word.Document
If IsFileOpen("C:\TemporaryLetter.docx") Then
Set wordApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
wordApp.Documents("C:\TemporaryLetter.docx").Close '==> Is there something like that regarding acrobat IAC?
Set wordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
With wordApp
.Visible = True
.WindowState = 2
End With
End If
Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open("C:\TemporaryLetter.docx")
wordDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:="C:\Current Letter Preview.pdf", _
wordDoc.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set wordDoc = Nothing
If wordDoc Is Nothing Then
End If
Set wordApp = Nothing
Call adbDoc.Open("C:\Current Letter Preview.pdf", "")
Set adbPageView = adbDoc.GetAVPageView()
Call adbPageView.ZoomTo(0, 100)
Set adbDoc = Nothing
Set adbPageView = Nothing
Upvotes: 4
Views: 31026
Reputation: 11
Works for me when I removed the - Acrobat Reader DC (64-bit) extension. You need to delay the code by 50 milliseconds, or more if you want to use the same filename after closing the older version of the file.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 149305
To check if the file is open or not, you can see the code that I posted HERE So the usage will be
Sub Sample()
Dim Ret
'~~> Change this to the relevant file path and name
Ret = IsFileOpen("C:\Current Letter Preview.Pdf")
If Ret = True Then
MsgBox "File is open"
MsgBox "File is Closed"
End If
End Sub
Function IsFileOpen(FileName As String)
Dim ff As Long, ErrNo As Long
On Error Resume Next
ff = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #ff
Close ff
ErrNo = Err
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case ErrNo
Case 0: IsFileOpen = False
Case 70: IsFileOpen = True
Case Else: Error ErrNo
End Select
End Function
And to close a file, you will have to use APIs FindWindow and PostMessage
I have tested the code with Adobe Reader and hence in the code below, the name that I am searching for is "Current Letter Preview.pdf - Adobe Reader"
You may have a different name. Please change as applicable.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" _
(ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _
lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _
(ByVal lpClassname As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Const WM_CLOSE = &H10
Sub Sample()
Dim Hwnd As Long
'~~> Find the window of the pdf file
Hwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Current Letter Preview.pdf - Adobe Reader")
If Hwnd Then
'~~> Close the file
PostMessage Hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, ByVal 0&
MsgBox "Pdf File not found"
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 11