Reputation: 15365
I have a DATETIME column in a table t
with values like:
|toStampActual |
|2014-09-09 13:00:00|
|2014-09-09 13:15:03|
|2014-09-09 13:14:55|
I need to be able to update those value to:
|toStampActual |
|2014-09-09 13:00:00|
|2014-09-09 13:15:00|
|2014-09-09 13:15:00|
Basically round to nearest minute...anything greater than :30 seconds goes up, anything less goes down.
I've found this answer and changed the SQL to
(TIME_TO_SEC(toStampActual) DIV 60) * 60
), '%H:%i:%s') AS rounded_time
FROM `t`
But this only rounds down. How can I round up or down based on the seconds?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 17434
Reputation: 58324
One solution (SQL Fiddle) could be:
SEC_TO_TIME(((TIME_TO_SEC(toStampActual)+30) DIV 60) * 60)
Which just adds half of the 60
(value of 30
) before doing the DIV
Or, just use ROUND
(SQL Fiddle)
SEC_TO_TIME((ROUND(TIME_TO_SEC(toStampActual)/60)) * 60)
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 507
Example of rounded to 5 minutes
If yours filed
is only TIME
for example 01:41:00
the filed that contain the time called fit.avergeTime
First step:
We need to know the last character that contain the minutes, but only the single minutes
for example, if the time is 01:41:00, we want to get only the minute 1 and not 41
we get that result by
SUBSTRING(fit.avergeTime, 5, 1)
then we use the case / when and add the correct numbers of minutes
case SUBSTRING(fit.avergeTime, 5, 1)
when 0 then fit.avergeTime
when 1 then DATE_ADD(fit.avergeTime, INTERVAL 4 MINUTE)
when 2 then DATE_ADD(fit.avergeTime, INTERVAL 3 MINUTE)
when 3 then DATE_ADD(fit.avergeTime, INTERVAL 2 MINUTE)
when 4 then DATE_ADD(fit.avergeTime, INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)
when 5 then fit.avergeTime
when 6 then DATE_ADD(fit.avergeTime, INTERVAL 4 MINUTE)
when 7 then DATE_ADD(fit.avergeTime, INTERVAL 3 MINUTE)
when 8 then DATE_ADD(fit.avergeTime, INTERVAL 2 MINUTE)
when 9 then DATE_ADD(fit.avergeTime, INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)
Hope this helps?
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Reputation: 111
update yourtable set new_start_time = CASE substring(new_start_time,5,1)+0
WHEN 0 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'00:00')
WHEN 1 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'-00:01')
WHEN 2 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'-00:02')
WHEN 3 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'00:02')
WHEN 4 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'00:01')
WHEN 5 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'00:00')
WHEN 6 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'-00:01')
WHEN 7 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'-00:02')
WHEN 8 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'00:02')
WHEN 9 THEN addtime(new_start_time,'00:01') END
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