Reputation: 77
I have a table of values which is filled with an array of month names and sums. How to calculate the sum of these values in rows and columns and display the result in the resulting string in the result column?
public function getReport($year=false)
if (!empty($_GET['year'])) $year = (int)$_GET['year'];
else $year = date ('Y');
$from_date = $year.'-01-01 00:00:00';
$to_date = $year.'-12-31 00:00:00';
// собираем гигантский запрос
$fields = 'all_months.fio, all_months.active_count AS sum_active_count, all_months.active_sum AS sum_active_sum';
$joins = "";
$months = array('jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'decem');
$months_ru = array('Январь', 'Февраль', 'Март', 'Апрель', 'Май', 'Июнь', 'Июль', 'Август', 'Сентябрь', 'Октябрь', 'Ноябрь', 'Декабрь');
// результирующий запрос
$data = array();
// блок итого
$data['result'] = array();
// ставим ограничение по месяцу, если год текущий
if ($year == (int)date('Y')) $max_month = date('m')-1;
else $max_month = 11;
foreach ($months as $key => $m)
if ($key > $max_month) break;
// заголовки колонок запроса
$data['months'][] = $m;
$data['months_ru'][] = $months_ru[$key];
$k = sprintf('%02.0d', ($key + 1));
$fields .= ', '."\n".$m.'.active_count as '.$m.'_active_count, '.$m.'.active_sum as '.$m.'_active_sum,
'."\n".$m.'.realized_count as '.$m.'_realized_count, '.$m.'.realized_sum as '.$m.'_realized_sum';
$joins .= "\n"."LEFT JOIN tbl_report ".$m." ON ".$m.".date > '".$year."-".$k."-01 00:00:00' AND
".$m.".date < '".$year."-".$k."-31 24:59:59' AND
".$m.".fio = all_months.fio ";
// поулчаем данные запроса
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT ".$fields."
FROM tbl_report all_months
WHERE > '$from_date' AND < '$to_date' GROUP BY fio";
//echo '<!--'.$query.'-->';
//$db_data = Report::model()->findAllBySql($query);
$db_data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryAll();
foreach ($db_data as $row)
$data['rows'][] = $row;
// Собираем отчет по суммам по месяцам
$fields = ' SUM(all_months.active_count) as all_active_count, SUM(all_months.active_sum) as all_active_sum,
SUM(all_months.realized_count) as all_realized_count, SUM(all_months.realized_sum) as all_realized_sum ';
$joins = '';
foreach ($months as $key => $m)
if ($key > $max_month) break;
$k = sprintf('%02.0d', ($key + 1));
$fields .= ', '."\n SUM(".$m.'.active_count) as '.$m.'_active_count, SUM('.$m.'.active_sum) as '.$m.'_active_sum,
'."\n SUM(".$m.'.realized_count) as '.$m.'_realized_count, SUM('.$m.'.realized_sum) as '.$m.'_realized_sum';
$joins .= "\n"."LEFT JOIN tbl_report ".$m." ON ".$m.".date > '".$year."-".$k."-01 00:00:00' AND
".$m.".date < '".$year."-".$k."-31 24:59:59' AND
".$m.".fio = all_months.fio ";
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT ".$fields."
FROM tbl_report all_months
WHERE > '".$year."-01-01 00:00:00' AND < '".$year."-12-31 24:59:59'";
//echo $query;
$data['summary'] = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryRow();
// форматируем числа
if (!empty($data['rows']) && is_array($data['rows']))
foreach ($data['rows'] as &$row)
if (!empty($data['months']) && is_array($data['months']))
foreach ($data['months'] as $month)
$row[$month.'_active_count'] = (int)$row[$month.'_active_count'];
$row[$month.'_active_sum'] = FormatHelper::MF($row[$month.'_active_sum']);
$row[$month.'_realized_count'] = (int) $row[$month.'_realized_count'];
$row[$month.'_realized_sum'] = FormatHelper::MF($row[$month.'_realized_sum']);
// форматируем результирующие строки
if (!empty($data['months']) && is_array($data['months']))
foreach ($data['months'] as $month)
$data['summary'][$month.'_active_count'] = (int)$data['summary'][$month.'_active_count'];
$data['summary'][$month.'_active_sum'] = FormatHelper::MF($data['summary'][$month.'_active_sum']);
$data['summary'][$month.'_realized_count'] = (int) $data['summary'][$month.'_realized_count'];
$data['summary'][$month.'_realized_sum'] = FormatHelper::MF($data['summary'][$month.'_realized_sum']);
// разворачиваем порядок месяцев в обратном направлении
//$data['months'] = array_reverse($data['months']);
//$data['months_ru'] = array_reverse($data['months_ru']);
//print_r( $months_ru );
return $data;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1000
Reputation: 1264
Follow this link :: Here
this chunk of code goes to your view file
'footer'=>'Total: ' . $model->getTotal($model->search()->getData(), 'age'),
'footer'=>'Total: ' . $model->getTotal($model->search()->getData(), 'weight'),
and this one goes to your model file
public function getTotal($records, $column)
$total = 0;
foreach ($records as $record) {
$total += $record->$column;
return $total;
Upvotes: 2