Reputation: 327
I am ultimately trying to compare data from two .csv files looking for "only the data rows in table1 that have changed".
I would like to use a LINQ Query to do this. I am using VB.NET and an OleDbDataAdapter to fill two DataTables with the .csv data.
The number of columns in each table will always match but not necessarily the number of rows. I will not know the column names but I will know the Primary Key column index. i.g. table1.Field(Of String)(4). I kept the column count short in the example but keep in mind the column count in my .csv files will vary and can get be as large as 50+ columns.
"John", "Adams", "51 Orange St", "Mechanic", "ID0004", "45.00", "1987"
"Nancy", "Wilson", "77 Westy Park", "HR", "ID0029", "27.00", "1991"
"John", "Adams", "51 Orange St", "Mechanic", "ID0004", "45.00", "1987"
"Nancy", "Wilson", "227 Groove Ln", "HR", "ID0029", "27.00", "1991"
"Pat", "Rita", "51 Orange St", "Mechanic", "ID0017", "21.00", "1987"
Expected Results:
We have two matches between the two tables on .Field(Of String)(4) which is our Key column. However, in this case, we only want to return one row. "Nancy", "Wilson", "77 Westy Park", "HR", "ID0029", "27.00", "1991" as one of the columns data in that row has changed.
Think of table2 as a master table that will not change. We only care about returning rows in table1 that have a matching key in table2 and only if any data has changed. Thanks!
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Views: 834
Reputation: 327
Here is an alternative solution not using LINQ Query which gives me the expected results. However, I am uncertain regarding it's reliability.
Dim lstTable2 As List(Of String) = File.ReadAllLines("C:\Table2.txt").ToList
Dim lstTable1 As List(Of String) = File.ReadAllLines("C:\Table1.txt").ToList
Dim lstChanges As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)(lstTable1.Except(lstTable2))
File.WriteAllLines("C:\Changes.txt", lstChanges.ToArray())
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Reputation: 25601
If you are doing this in memory, and you want this optimized, I would not assume that a LINQ query is going to give you the best results. I would put one of the tables into a dictionary with the primary key pointing to the DataRows so you can quickly look up the matching rows as you loop through the other table. But if you are set on doing this with a LINQ query, here's some sample code:
Sub Main()
Dim t1 As New DataTable
Dim t2 As New DataTable
t1.PrimaryKey = {t1.Columns.Add(), t1.Columns.Add()}
For c As Integer = 1 To 5 : t1.Columns.Add() : Next
t2.PrimaryKey = {t2.Columns.Add(), t2.Columns.Add()}
For c As Integer = 1 To 5 : t2.Columns.Add() : Next
t1.Rows.Add("John", "Adams", "51 Orange St", "Mechanic", "ID0004", 45.0, 1987)
t2.Rows.Add("John", "Adams", "51 Orange St", "Mechanic", "ID0004", 45.0, 1987)
t1.Rows.Add("Nancy", "Wilson", "77 Westy Park", "HR", "ID0029", 27.0, 1991)
t2.Rows.Add("Nancy", "Wilson", "227 Groove Ln", "HR", "ID0029", 27.0, 1991)
t2.Rows.Add("Pat", "Rita", "51 Orange St", "Mechanic", "ID0017", 21.0, 1987)
Dim diffs = _
From row2 In t2 Group Join row1 In t1 _
On row1(t1.PrimaryKey(0)) Equals row2(t2.PrimaryKey(0)) _
And row1(t1.PrimaryKey(1)) Equals row2(t2.PrimaryKey(1)) _
Into Group
Where Not Group.Any OrElse RowsDifferent(Group.Single, row2)
For Each diff In diffs
If diff.Group.Any Then
For Each col In diff.row2.ItemArray
Console.Write(col & ",")
For Each col In diff.row2.ItemArray
Console.Write(col & ",")
End If
End Sub
Private Function RowsDifferent(r1 As DataRow, r2 As DataRow) As Boolean
For i As Integer = 0 To r1.Table.Columns.Count - 1
If Not r1(i).Equals(r2(i)) Then Return True
Return False
End Function
Looks like, thanks to enhancements in .NET Framework 4.0, you could even use a built-in function instead of defining your own RowsDifferent
Dim diffs = _
From row2 In t2 Group Join row1 In t1 _
On row1(t1.PrimaryKey(0)) Equals row2(t2.PrimaryKey(0)) _
And row1(t1.PrimaryKey(1)) Equals row2(t2.PrimaryKey(1)) _
Into Group Where Not Group.Any OrElse _
Not Group.Single.ItemArray.SequenceEqual(row2.ItemArray)
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