Reputation: 9966
I have a standard form in my MVC project, where I have a DropDownList. When I change the value of the dropdownlist, the whole pages reloads as it results in a postback.
I do not expect this behavior, and I am trying to stop the dropdownlist for doing a postback.
However, this is where it gets weird. I define my dropdownlist in the following way:
@Html.DropDownList("sortOrder", null, new { onchange = "startUpdate(this)" })
Ignoring Javascipt, there is nothing that would expect me to make a postback. If we include the whole form, we can see that is the case as well here:
@using (var form = Html.BeginForm("Query", "Search", FormMethod.Get, new { id="queryform", name="queryform", onsubmit = "startUpdate(this); return false;"}))
<b>Sorter efter</b><br />
@Html.DropDownList("sortOrder", null, new { onchange = "startUpdate(this)" })<br />
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However, now a smart person might say:
"try to disable JavaScript, and see what happens"
So I did. And then the postback did NOT happen. So my problem, most likely, originates from some JavaScript.
Only problem? I cannot seem to find it.
I have cleared all JavaScript I could imagine that have ANYTHING to do with it, yet it still gives me a postback.
So, sorry, I have to include all my rendered markup, in the hopes that you guys can help me with this big problem (the select html element is called sortOrder
(I could not copy whole HTML, so I removed some sections - a production version can be seen at§orList=&priceFrom=&priceTo= )
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<div class="category"><span class="categorylabel">Forretningsområde:</span> <span class="categoryvalue">Agenturhandel</span></div>
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I am lost. I have been searching for hours now, and I cannot find that stupid JS that causes the postback. ANY ideas? It would be a tremendous help.
In the code, the startUpdate is refered. I tried to delete it, and I still got postback. Here is the code though:
function startUpdate(sender) {
if (tmr != null) clearTimeout(tmr);
tmr = setTimeout("updateSearch()", 700);
function updateSearch() {
tmr = null;
searchParams.transactiontype = $("input[name=transactionType]:checked").val();
searchParams.text = $("input[name=text]").val();
var sct = "";
$("input[name=sectors]:checked").each(function() { sct += $(this).val() + ","; });
searchParams.sector = sct;
searchParams.allsectorsrequired = $("#allSectorsRequired").attr("checked") == "checked" ? "true" : "";
var rgn = "";
$("input[name=regions]:checked").each(function() { rgn += $(this).val() + ","; });
searchParams.region = rgn;
var orgn = "";
$("input[name=operatingRegions]:checked").each(function() { orgn += $(this).val() + ","; });
searchParams.operatingregion = orgn;
searchParams.alloperatingregionsrequired = $("#allOperatingRegionsRequired").attr("checked") == "checked" ? "true" : "";
searchParams.priceFrom = $("input[name=priceFrom]").val();
searchParams.priceTo = $("input[name=priceTo]").val();
searchParams.yearFrom = $("input[name=yearFrom]").val();
searchParams.yearTo = $("input[name=yearTo]").val();
searchParams.canMove = $("input[name=canMove]:checked").val();
searchParams.financingavailable = $("input[name=financingAvailable]:checked").val();
searchParams.orderby = $("select[name=sortOrder]").val();
for (var key in searchParams) {
if ((!psp || psp[key] != searchParams[key]) && searchParams[key]) {
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Vbørs Søg autoupdate', key, searchParams[key]]);
psp = $.extend({}, searchParams);
$("#searchResults").load("@Url.Action("SearchJSON", "Search")", searchParams, searchCallback);
var tttxt = " til salg";
if (searchParams.transactiontype != 2) tttxt = " købes";
if (searchParams.text.length > 0) {
$("#searchtitle").text(searchParams.text + tttxt);
document.title = searchParams.text + tttxt;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 210
Reputation: 9348
Based on what I posted in the comments, somehow (you may know where this is happening in your code) your onchange
event handler is being changed, from startUpdate(this)
to top.location.href=sortLink.replace("{sortOrder}", this.value);
So, when the select
changes, it's replacing the page URL, which obviously cause a refresh (by GET).
Upvotes: 1