Reputation: 3
I need some help understanding how would I reset the score of numMiss, numHit, and numPercent back to 0 as soon as I tap the "reset.png" button and while doing so will also start the game from the beginning again.
Also, let me know if there are any corrections to be made within my code.
Heres what I have of the code so far
--width and height
WIDTH = display.contentWidth --320
HEIGHT = display.contentHeight --480
--display background
local p = display.newImageRect("park.png" ,500, 570)
p.x = WIDTH/2
p.y = HEIGHT/2
--display bouncing dog
local RADIUS = 5
local d = display.newImageRect("dogeball.png", 70, 70)
d.x = 50
d.y = 100
--display treat
local t = display.newImageRect("treat.png", 50, 50)
t.x = 245
t.y = math.random(HEIGHT)
--displays the reset button
local r = display.newImageRect("reset.png", 100,100)
r.x = 280
r.y = 480
--starting value of gravity and bounce(will change)
local GRAVITY = 0.3
local BOUNCE = 0.75
--downward force
local velocity = 0
--Tells the score to reset when true
local reset = false
--shows number of hits
local numHit = 0
--shows number of misses
local numMiss = 0
--Gets Percentage score
local numPercent = 0
--make hits and misses display
scoreHits = display.newText("Hits = " .. numHit, WIDTH/7, 1, native.systemFont, 18)
scoreMisses = display.newText("Misses = " .. numMiss, WIDTH/2.1, 1, native.systemFont, 18)
scorePercent = display.newText("Hit % = " .. numPercent, WIDTH/1.2, 1, native.systemFont, 18)
function enterFrame()
d.y = d.y + velocity
velocity = velocity + GRAVITY
local HIT_SLOP = RADIUS * 8 -- Adjust this to adjust game difficulty
if math.abs(t.x - d.x) <= HIT_SLOP
and math.abs(t.y - d.y) <= HIT_SLOP then
numHit = numHit + 1
scoreHits.text = "Hits = " .. numHit
--count 1 hit once dog and treat hit eachother
if (t.x - d.x) <= HIT_SLOP and (t.y - d.y) <= HIT_SLOP then
t.x = 400 --resets treat postioning
t.y = math.random(HEIGHT) --gives treat a random y coordinate
--puts the barrier at the bottom of the screen and tells dog to bounce from there
if (d.y > HEIGHT) then
d.y = HEIGHT
velocity = -velocity * BOUNCE
t.x = t.x - 5 --speed treat goes
if t.x < -350 then--position of the treat
t.x = 400
scoreMisses.text = "Misses = " .. numMiss
else if t.x < -100 then
t.y = math.random(HEIGHT) --random height after treat goes past dog
else if t.x < -99 then
numMiss = numMiss + 1 --calculates misses when goes past screen
scoreMisses.text = "Misses = " .. numMiss
--calculate percentage hits
numPercent = 100 * numHit / (numHit + numMiss)
scorePercent.text = "Hit % = " .. math.round(numPercent) --prints and rounds percentage
function tapped(event) --when tapped on reset, score gets reset
--reset function goes here
r:addEventListener( "tap", tapped )
function touched(event)
-- print(event.phase)
if event.phase == "began" then
velocity = velocity - 6 -- thrusts dog
return true
Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame" , enterFrame )
Runtime:addEventListener( "touch", touched )
Upvotes: 0
Views: 160
Reputation: 116
To make your image a button you need to add an event listener that responds to touch or tap events. see
Or you use the widget library which gives you the possibility to use a blank button background and set only the label for each button what will be very handy when you include translations for other languages. see
In my game I have a function gameInit() that sets the hole game and all variables. This function is called when the game starts and also when the player wants to do a reset as it over writes the old variables. (there are other technics, depending on the complexity of your game and if you for example want to store the game settings for the next time the player starts the game)
Upvotes: 2