Oleksandr Hryhorchuk
Oleksandr Hryhorchuk

Reputation: 15

Parse XML with Boost access and populate property tree

I have XML file:

    <addition id="1">
    <subtraction id="2">
    <multiplication id="3">
    <division id="4">

Need to parse it and provide the result like another XML:

    <result id="1">9</result>
    <result id="2">1</result>
    <result id="3">240</result>
    <result id="4">6</result>

Currently I'm investigating the BOOST in area of ptree and read_xml Please advise where additional information could be found? Thanks in advance

My current investigation results are:

I have the class which defines Expression with virtual function which evaluates expression, lower on inheritance tree this function should be overridden and implemented in context of expression type.

class AbstractExpression
    AbstractExpression(ExpressionType aType){}
    virtual ~AbstractExpression() {}

    // Evaluates expression (must be overrided by child)
    virtual int  evalExpr() const = 0;


Inherited classes are additionExpression, substractionExpression, multiplicationExpression, divisionExpression.

Besides this I have implemented methods of data manipulation in every inherited class.

At the end I've wrote some code, which counts this XML:

using boost::property_tree::ptree;
    ptree pt;
    read_xml("/PATH_TO/valuator.xml", pt);
    const ptree & expressions = pt.get_child("expressions");
    BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & currExpr, expressions){
        std::string readExprType = currExpr.first;
        std::cout << "currExpr = " << readExprType << std::endl;

        if (readExprType == "addition") {
            AbstractExpression *addExpr = new additionExpression();
            BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & additionNodeEl, currExpr.second){
                std::string val = additionNodeEl.second.data();
                ((additionExpression*)addExpr)->addVal( atoi(val.c_str()) );

            std::cout << "addition result = " << addExpr->evalExpr() << std::endl;
            delete addExpr;
        } else if (readExprType == "multiplication") {
            AbstractExpression *multExpr = new multiplicationExpression();
            BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &multNodeEl, currExpr.second) {
                std::string val = multNodeEl.second.data();
                if (!val.empty())
                    ((multiplicationExpression*)multExpr)->addVal( atoi(val.c_str()) );
            std::cout << "multiplication node result = " << multExpr->evalExpr() << std::endl;
            delete multExpr;
        } else if (readExprType == "subtraction") {
            AbstractExpression *substrExpr = new substractionExpression();
            BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &substNodeEl, currExpr.second) {
                std::string elTypeName = substNodeEl.first;
                std::string val = substNodeEl.second.data();
                if (elTypeName == "minuend") {
                    ((substractionExpression*)substrExpr)->setMinuend( atoi(val.c_str()) );
                } else if (elTypeName == "subtrahend") {
                    ((substractionExpression*)substrExpr)->setSubtrahend( atoi(val.c_str()) );
            std::cout << "subtraction node result = " << substrExpr->evalExpr() << std::endl;
            delete substrExpr;
        } else if (readExprType == "division") {
            AbstractExpression *divExpr = new divisionExpression();
            BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &divNodeEl, currExpr.second) {
                std::string elTypeName = divNodeEl.first;
                std::string val = divNodeEl.second.data();
                if ( elTypeName == "dividend" ) {
                    ((divisionExpression*)divExpr)->setDividend( atoi(val.c_str()) );
                } else if ( elTypeName == "divisor" ) {
                    ((divisionExpression*)divExpr)->setDivisor( atoi(val.c_str()) );
            std::cout << "dividend node result = " << divExpr->evalExpr() << std::endl;
            delete divExpr;


Now I need to write all these results to XML.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 739

Answers (1)


Reputation: 392931

Really, use a proper XML library (TinyXML, RapidXML, PugiXML, libxml2 etc.).

If you really care only about a very specific subset of XML, here's a quick & dirty parser based on Boost Spirit V2: Live On Coliru

namespace /*parser*/
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

    template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
        struct grammar : qi::grammar<It, ast::expressions(), Skipper>
        grammar() : grammar::base_type(expressions_)
            using namespace qi;

            static const lexeme_type L;

            simplevalue_ = auto_; // parses into Value, whatever it was declared as
            id_attr      = eps >> L["id"]      > '=' > '"' > int_        > '"';
            complex_attr = eps >> L["complex"] > '=' > '"' > *~char_('"') > '"';
            expr_open    = eps >> '<' >> L[lit(_r1)] > -id_attr > -complex_attr > '>';
            expr_close   = eps >> '<' >> '/' > L[lit(_r1)] > '>';

            // expression element parsing
            addition_       = expr_open(+"addition") > +subexpr_(+"item")                                  > expr_close(+"addition");
            subtraction_    = expr_open(+"subtraction") > (subexpr_(+"minuend") > subexpr_(+"subtrahend")) > expr_close(+"subtraction");
            multiplication_ = expr_open(+"multiplication") > +subexpr_(+"factor")                          > expr_close(+"multiplication");
            division_       = expr_open(+"division") > (subexpr_(+"dividend") > subexpr_(+"divisor"))      > expr_close(+"division");
            expression_     = simplevalue_ | addition_ | subtraction_ | multiplication_ | division_;

            subexpr_ = eps >> '<' >> L[lit(_r1)] > '>' > expression_ > '<' > '/' > L[lit(_r1)] > '>';

            expressions_ = eps
                > '<' > L["expressions"] > '>'
                > *expression_
                > expr_close(+"expressions");

        template <typename... T>
            using Rule = qi::rule<It, T..., qi::space_type>;

        // tags/primitives
        Rule<> complex_attr;
        Rule<int()> id_attr;
        Rule<ast::Value()> simplevalue_;
        Rule<ast::Id(std::string element_name)> expr_open;
        Rule<void(std::string element_name)> expr_close;

        Rule<ast::expression(std::string element_name )> subexpr_;

        // compounds
        Rule<ast::addition()>       addition_;
        Rule<ast::subtraction()>    subtraction_;
        Rule<ast::multiplication()> multiplication_;
        Rule<ast::division()>       division_;
        Rule<ast::expression()>     expression_;


} /*parser*/

It parses the input into an abstract syntax tree that can be visited to evaluate the (sub) expressions. The test driver

int main()
    std::ifstream ifs("expressions.xml");
    It f(ifs >> std::noskipws), l;

    try {
        ast::expressions parsed;

        grammar<It> g;
        // parsing
        bool ok = phrase_parse(f, l, g, qi::space, parsed);

        // output results
        if (ok)
            eval::machine machine;

            std::cout << "<expressions>\n";
            for (auto& expr : parsed)
                if (get_id(expr))
                    std::cout << "\t<result id=\"" << *get_id(expr) << "\">" << machine.evaluate(expr) << "</result>\n";
            std::cout << "</expressions>\n";
    } catch(qi::expectation_failure<It> const& e) {
        std::cout << "Expected " << e.what_ << " at '" << std::string(e.first,e.last) << "'\n";


    <result id="1">9</result>
    <result id="2">1</result>
    <result id="3">240</result>
    <result id="4">6</result>

Live On Coliru

Note: doesn't handle comments, unicode, processing instructions, namespaces, PCDATA, character entity references etc. In short This is not an XML parser

Upvotes: 1

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