Reputation: 7257
I'm using ScalaTest 2.1.4 with SBT 0.13.5. I have some long-running test suites that can take a long time to finish if a single test fails (multi-JVM Akka tests). I would like the entire suite to be aborted if any of these fails, otherwise the suite can take a very long time to finish, especially on our CI server.
How can I configure ScalaTest to abort the suite if any test in the suite fails?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 3512
Reputation: 1422
Thank you Eugene; here's my improvement:
trait TestBase extends FunSuite {
import TestBase._
override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest): Outcome = {
if (aborted) Canceled(s"Canceled because $explanation")
else super.withFixture(test)
def abort(text: String = "one of the tests failed"): Unit = {
aborted = true
explanation = text
object TestBase {
@volatile var aborted = false
@volatile var explanation = "nothing happened"
I wonder if it can be done without using var
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9734
If you need to cancel only tests from same spec/suite/test as failed test, you can use CancelAfterFailure mixing from scalatest. If you want to cancel them globally here is example:
import org.scalatest._
object CancelGloballyAfterFailure {
@volatile var cancelRemaining = false
trait CancelGloballyAfterFailure extends SuiteMixin { this: Suite =>
import CancelGloballyAfterFailure._
abstract override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest): Outcome = {
if (cancelRemaining)
Canceled("Canceled by CancelGloballyAfterFailure because a test failed previously")
super.withFixture(test) match {
case failed: Failed =>
cancelRemaining = true
case outcome => outcome
final def newInstance: Suite with OneInstancePerTest = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
class Suite1 extends FlatSpec with CancelGloballyAfterFailure {
"Suite1" should "fail in first test" in {
println("Suite1 First Test!")
it should "skip second test" in {
println("Suite1 Second Test!")
class Suite2 extends FlatSpec with CancelGloballyAfterFailure {
"Suite2" should "skip first test" in {
println("Suite2 First Test!")
it should "skip second test" in {
println("Suite2 Second Test!")
Upvotes: 6