Reputation: 2206
I have my first view controller imageResults and in that calls the MWPhotoBrowser with the code below. I see it displays a new view controller using the data from I've tried a few options for adding more data but none successful. I want to be able to load more data in the new view and add it to the photobrowser, the adding more data part is already don't, now how do i set the current browser to load the new array without loosing the current position?
-(void)mvTouched:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
NSLog(@"Arr:%lu Url:%lu", [titlesMutable count], [mediaUrlDict count]);
NSMutableArray *tmpPhotos = [NSMutableArray array];
for(NSString *titleString in titlesMutable) {
NSString *url = [mediaUrlDict objectForKey:titleString];
MWPhoto *currentPhoto = [MWPhoto photoWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
currentPhoto.caption=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", titleString];
[tmpPhotos addObject:currentPhoto];
//[tmpPhotos addObject:[MWPhoto photoWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]]];
} = [NSArray arrayWithArray:tmpPhotos];
MWPhotoBrowser *browser = [[MWPhotoBrowser alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
// Set options
browser.displayActionButton = YES; // Show action button to allow sharing, copying, etc (defaults to YES)
browser.displayNavArrows = YES; // Whether to display left and right nav arrows on toolbar (defaults to NO)
browser.displaySelectionButtons = NO; // Whether selection buttons are shown on each image (defaults to NO)
browser.zoomPhotosToFill = YES; // Images that almost fill the screen will be initially zoomed to fill (defaults to YES)
browser.alwaysShowControls = YES; // Allows to control whether the bars and controls are always visible or whether they fade away to show the photo full (defaults to NO)
browser.enableGrid = YES; // Whether to allow the viewing of all the photo thumbnails on a grid (defaults to YES)
browser.startOnGrid = NO; // Whether to start on the grid of thumbnails instead of the first photo (defaults to NO)
browser.edgesForExtendedLayout = YES;
browser.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = YES;
// Optionally set the current visible photo before displaying
//[browser setCurrentPhotoIndex:1];
[browser setCurrentPhotoIndex:indexPath.row];
// Present
[self.navigationController pushViewController:browser animated:YES];
// Manipulate
[browser showNextPhotoAnimated:YES];
[browser showPreviousPhotoAnimated:YES];
//[browser setCurrentPhotoIndex:1];
[browser setCurrentPhotoIndex:indexPath.row];
[browser reloadData];
-(void)loadMore {
[self addDataToArray];
//[self mvTouched:nil];
[self.collectionView reloadData];
- (NSUInteger)numberOfPhotosInPhotoBrowser:(MWPhotoBrowser *)photoBrowser {
return _photos.count;
- (id <MWPhoto>)photoBrowser:(MWPhotoBrowser *)photoBrowser photoAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
if (index < _photos.count)
return [_photos objectAtIndex:index];
return nil;
- (void)photoBrowser:(MWPhotoBrowser *)photoBrowser actionButtonPressedForPhotoAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
// Do your thing!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1663
Reputation: 128
Calling [self.collectionView reloadData] will only reload the current view's collection instead of the MWPhotoBrowser's. You need to call the browsers reloadData function for this to work like so:
[browser reloadData]
Note that there is currently an issue with the browsers collection view not displaying the new photos after calling this method. I managed to work around this by adding this code to the reloadData method found in the MWPhotoBrowser.m file:
if (_gridController) {
[_gridController.collectionView reloadData];
Upvotes: 5