Jeroen Kransen
Jeroen Kransen

Reputation: 1471

How to test that Actor Foo sends messages to newly created child actors Bar?

I have an actor FooActor that gets passed the Props to instantiate several BarActors and send BarMessages to it. The code works, but I am having a hard time writing tests for it. The added restriction is that I can only use Java code in this app, no Scala code.

After several attempts, this seems to be my best effort so far:

public void testJavaTestKit() {

    new JavaTestKit(system) {{
        JavaTestKit probe = new JavaTestKit(system);

        // pretending that the probe is the receiving Bar, by returning it in the Props
        Props barActorProps = Props.create(BarActor.class, new Creator() {
            public Object create() {
                return probe.getRef();
        Props props = Props.create(FooActor.class, barActorProps);
        ActorRef subject = system.actorOf(props);

        Object msg = // basically irrelevant, will trigger Bar instantiation and message sending

        subject.tell(msg, probe.getRef());


It all seems to make sense to me, but even though I can see messages being sent to newly created Bar instances, the first assertion fails. What am I doing wrong?


The thing that makes this different from the Akka documentation example, is that I don't want to pass an existing actor that receives the message. Instead, I want to pass the Props that is used to create instances of child actors instead. In the test, I want my probe to receive messages to those newly created actors. This is why I added the Props.create construct that should return the same probe actor all the time. Just now I saw this comment in the Creator.create API:

This method must return a different instance upon every call.

So this will obviously not work, as that it precisely what I want. So my general question remains: how can I test for messages being sent to newly created child actors?

Upvotes: 6

Views: 2252

Answers (2)


Reputation: 922

I think something like this should work for your case.

class ActorSpec extends Specification {
    private ActorSystem system
    private ActorRef actorRef
   def setupSpec() {
        system = ActorSystem.create("test-system",ConfigFactory.load("application.conf"))
   def "Verify message received"() {
            JavaTestKit probe = new JavaTestKit(system)
            final Props props = Props.create(BarActor.class)
            actorRef = system.actorOf(props)
            actorRef.tell(new BarMessage(), probe.getRef())
 def cleanupSpec() {
        system = null

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 784

You're trying to "cheat" on how the child actors are initialized (by passing probeRef) to have flexibility in testing them, but the problem is that the even Creator is generic, used in standard context getContext().actorOf(), cannot return ActorRef as a result of the create method. The contract needs always be as follow Creator<T extends Actor>.

Please have a look at ActorCreationTest

I might be wrong because, I don't know how your FooActor is implemented but if you will use stadard pattern getContext().actorOf() default Akka will not accept your Consumer.

caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
    ... 9 more

Instead of returning ActorRef to probe you may try return anonymous forwarder Actor ?

import akka.japi.Creator;
import akka.testkit.JavaTestKit;
import org.junit.Test;

public class ActorTest {

    public void testJavaTestKit() {
        ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("Acceptor");

        new JavaTestKit(system) {{
            JavaTestKit probe = new JavaTestKit(system);

            Creator creator = () -> new UntypedActor() {
              public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
                  probe.getRef().tell(message, sender());

            ActorRef subject = system.actorOf(Props.create(FooActor.class, creator));

            subject.tell(new Bar().new BarMessage(), probe.getRef());



class BarActor extends UntypedActor {

    public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {


class FooActor extends UntypedActor {

    ActorRef barRef;

    public static Props props(final Creator creator) {
        return Props.create(FooActor.class, () -> new FooActor(creator));
    public FooActor(Creator creator) {
        barRef = getContext().actorOf(Props.create(creator),"bar");

    public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {

class Bar {
    class BarMessage {


Upvotes: 4

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