Reputation: 1500
I have a basic plot of rainfall contours with a map overlay.
1. I wonder if there is something I can change on the aspect ratio so
that my map is proportional. Furthermore I am wondering why the frame
disregards the map limits that I set.
2. Is there an extrapolation function I can add so that I can improve
my plot and fill the map area with contours, even if it means filling
the whole plotting frame.
Help will be appreciated. My code is below.
datr <- read.table("./RFMEAN.DAT",header=TRUE,sep="")
datfr <- data.frame(datr)
x <- datfr[,1]
y <- datfr[,2]
z <- datfr[,3]
fld <- with(datfr, interp(x , y, z))
filled.contour(x = fld$x, y = fld$y, z = fld$z,
plot.axes = {axis(1); axis(2); map('world', xlim = c(21, 34), ylim =
c(-19, -8), add = T, col = "darkgrey")},
color.palette = colorRampPalette(c("white", "blue")),
xlab = "Longitude",
ylab = "Latitude",
main = "Zambian rainfall",
key.title = title(main = "Rain (mm)", cex.main = 1))
Lon Lat Rain
32.58 -13.55 1016.9
27.07 -16.85 801.6
32.67 -10.17 1090
24.2 -13.6 1034.4
28.47 -14.45 907.7
28.5 -14.4 917.7
28.12 -12.6 1309.1
27.92 -15.77 761.4
22.7 -14. 825.2
24.8 -14.8 902.4
31.13 -10.22 1343.2
25.85 -13.53 1146.8
29.08 -9.8 1378.6
25.82 -17.82 691.7
33.2 -12.28 922.9
28.32 -15.42 1078.1
28.45 -15.3 882.1
27.63 -16.13 737.3
28.85 -11.1 1176.6
31.33 -8.85 1267.8
31.93 -13.27 817.5
31.22 -10.18 1349.7
23.15 -15.25 918.2
31.43 -11.9 1040
32.56 -13.65 1011.7
28.25 -15.55 856.7
27.07 -14.98 891.2
24.43 -11.75 1413.1
28.65 -13. 1232.8
31.28 -14.25 966.8
29.53 -11.35 1476.5
23.27 -16.12 729.7
30.22 -13.23 1133.6
24.3 -17.47 756.3
26.38 -12.18 1309.7
23.12 -13.53 1057.4
Upvotes: 0
Views: 218
Reputation: 3188
You can't extrapolate outside your data range, so no there is no way to fill the entire map unless you want to make up data.
I like ggmap
much better. Maybe you can try/start with this and mess around.
z = get_map(location = "Zambia", color = "bw", zoom = 6)
ggmap(z, extent = "normal", maprange=FALSE) +
stat_density2d(data = df, aes(x = Lon, y = Lat, z = Rain, fill = ..level..),
geom="polygon", bins = 100, size = 0.01, alpha = 0.05) +
scale_fill_gradient(name = "Rainfall", low = "dodgerblue", high = "dodgerblue4")
Edit for Comment
Run this in case your df is different.
df=structure(list(Lon = c(32.58, 27.07, 32.67, 24.2, 28.47, 28.5,
28.12, 27.92, 22.7, 24.8, 31.13, 25.85, 29.08, 25.82, 33.2, 28.32,
28.45, 27.63, 28.85, 31.33, 31.93, 31.22, 23.15, 31.43, 32.56,
28.25, 27.07, 24.43, 28.65, 31.28, 29.53, 23.27, 30.22, 24.3,
26.38, 23.12), Lat = c(-13.55, -16.85, -10.17, -13.6, -14.45,
-14.4, -12.6, -15.77, -14, -14.8, -10.22, -13.53, -9.8, -17.82,
-12.28, -15.42, -15.3, -16.13, -11.1, -8.85, -13.27, -10.18,
-15.25, -11.9, -13.65, -15.55, -14.98, -11.75, -13, -14.25, -11.35,
-16.12, -13.23, -17.47, -12.18, -13.53), Rain = c(1016.9, 801.6,
1090, 1034.4, 907.7, 917.7, 1309.1, 761.4, 825.2, 902.4, 1343.2,
1146.8, 1378.6, 691.7, 922.9, 1078.1, 882.1, 737.3, 1176.6, 1267.8,
817.5, 1349.7, 918.2, 1040, 1011.7, 856.7, 891.2, 1413.1, 1232.8,
966.8, 1476.5, 729.7, 1133.6, 756.3, 1309.7, 1057.4)), .Names = c("Lon",
"Lat", "Rain"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -36L))
Upvotes: 2