Reputation: 23
I am having an issues but don't know where to solve it. My template works great in xampp but not on the host server. I get this message:
Warning: file_get_contents()
[function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disables in the server configuration in homepage/......./twitter.php.
The error is on line 64.
For use in the "Parse Twitter Feeds" code below
define("SECOND", 1);
define("MINUTE", 60 * SECOND);
define("HOUR", 60 * MINUTE);
define("DAY", 24 * HOUR);
define("MONTH", 30 * DAY);
function relativeTime($time)
$delta = time() - $time;
if ($delta < 2 * MINUTE) {
return "1 min ago";
if ($delta < 45 * MINUTE) {
return floor($delta / MINUTE) . " min ago";
if ($delta < 90 * MINUTE) {
return "1 hour ago";
if ($delta < 24 * HOUR) {
return floor($delta / HOUR) . " hours ago";
if ($delta < 48 * HOUR) {
return "yesterday";
if ($delta < 30 * DAY) {
return floor($delta / DAY) . " days ago";
if ($delta < 12 * MONTH) {
$months = floor($delta / DAY / 30);
return $months <= 1 ? "1 month ago" : $months . " months ago";
} else {
$years = floor($delta / DAY / 365);
return $years <= 1 ? "1 year ago" : $years . " years ago";
Parse Twitter Feeds
function parse_cache_feed($usernames, $limit, $type) {
$username_for_feed = str_replace(" ", "+OR+from%3A", $usernames);
$feed = "" . $username_for_feed . "&count=" . $limit;
$usernames_for_file = str_replace(" ", "-", $usernames);
$cache_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/cache/' . $usernames_for_file . '-twitter-cache-' . $type;
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
$last = filemtime($cache_file);
$now = time();
$interval = 600; // ten minutes
// check the cache file
if ( !$last || (( $now - $last ) > $interval) ) {
// cache file doesn't exist, or is old, so refresh it
$cache_rss = file_get_contents($feed); (this is line 64)
Any help on how to give this access on my host server?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 191
Reputation: 23
I just created a php.ini
file and add: "allow_url_fopen=on"
, save it and uploaded it to my server and works. Thanks again to the guys above!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 53960
your server administrator has disabled access to urls for php file functions (allow_url_fopen ini setting). Ask them to enable it, or consider other methods, like curl.
Upvotes: 2