Reputation: 1838
I want to create a range slider with an input field to directly type the value (like in jQM:
My directive looks like this:
app.directive("mySlider", [function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
scope: {
id: "@?",
min: "@",
max: "@",
step: "@?",
value: "=ngModel"
template: "" +
"<div class='my-sliderWrap'>" +
"<input type='number' min={{min}} max={{max}} step={{step}} value={{value}} ng-model=value>" +
"<input type='range' min={{min}} max={{max}} step={{step}} value={{value}} ng-model=value>" +
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
//some logic here
Well, this works nice when I'm changing the value of the number input. The slider moves and the value attributes both are updated. As soon as I move the slider directly, both value attributes still update but the text of my number input gets cleared somehow and set to its minimum.
Have I made some mistake within the template or with the data binding?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 9207
Reputation: 1838
Solved, according to this answer on the same issue:
Summary: It seems that the HTML5 range input does not return a number but a string. Assigning this string to the number input causes the same to clear itself, as, who would think of that, it will expect a number...
As solution we just need to convert the returned string value into a number. I do it with parseFloat() for example:
$scope.$watch('value',function(newValue) {
$scope.value = parseFloat(newValue); //or Number(newValue); or parseInt(newValue);
This logic can just be inserted into the link function. Done.
Not very nice, but easy workaround.
Upvotes: 2