Reputation: 15841
I'm trying to do the following:
Here is my code that attempts to load the assembly into new app domain:
public object Execute(byte[] agentCode)
var app = AppDomain.CreateDomain("MonitoringProxy", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence, new AppDomainSetup {ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}, new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted));
app.AssemblyResolve += AppOnAssemblyResolve;
var assembly = app.Load(agentCode);
The codebase dies on the last line with the following message:
Additional information: Could not load file or assembly 'Alertera.AgentProxy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
No code ever hits the AppOnAssemblyResolve function. What's interesting is that it has read the name of the assembly properly. Furthermore, Alertera.AgentProxy assembly does not have any external dependencies, except on System and Newtonsoft.Json. However, Newtsoft.Json has been imbedded into it as a resource, so it does not need to be loaded separately.
Any pointers? Using .NET 2 for maxmimum compatibility
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2908
Reputation: 82406
I do it like this:
Public Class ApplicationDomainBridge
Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Public ReturnValue As Object
Public ErrorObject As System.Exception
End Class
Public Class AsmHelper
' Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Private Class ApplicationDomainBridge
Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Public ErrorObject As System.Exception
Public Eval As ReportTester.Parameters.AbstractEvaluator
End Class
Private AsmData As Byte()
Private CallbackResult As ApplicationDomainBridge
Sub New()
Me.CallbackResult = New ApplicationDomainBridge
End Sub
Public Sub LoadAsmAndExecuteEval()
' System.Console.WriteLine("Executing in: " & AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName)
' Throw New System.InvalidCastException("Test")
Dim assembly As System.Reflection.Assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(AsmData)
' Here we do something
' The object you return must have
' Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Dim programType As System.Type = assembly.GetType("RsEval")
Dim eval As ReportTester.Parameters.AbstractEvaluator = DirectCast(System.Activator.CreateInstance(programType), ReportTester.Parameters.AbstractEvaluator)
Me.CallbackResult.Eval = eval
Catch ex As Exception
Me.CallbackResult.ErrorObject = ex
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Function ExecuteInAppTemporaryAppDomain(temporaryAppDomain As AppDomain, ByVal assemblyBytes As Byte()) As ReportTester.Parameters.AbstractEvaluator
Dim loadExecute As AsmHelper = New AsmHelper() With {
.AsmData = assemblyBytes
temporaryAppDomain.DoCallBack(New CrossAppDomainDelegate(AddressOf loadExecute.LoadAsmAndExecuteEval))
loadExecute.AsmData = Nothing
Dim retValue As ReportTester.Parameters.AbstractEvaluator = Nothing
If loadExecute.CallbackResult.ErrorObject Is Nothing Then
retValue = loadExecute.CallbackResult.Eval
loadExecute.CallbackResult = Nothing
loadExecute = Nothing
End If
If loadExecute IsNot Nothing AndAlso loadExecute.CallbackResult IsNot Nothing AndAlso loadExecute.CallbackResult.ErrorObject IsNot Nothing Then
Throw loadExecute.CallbackResult.ErrorObject
End If
Return retValue
End Function
End Class
Dim assemblyBytes As Byte() = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(results.PathToAssembly)
Dim temporaryAppDomain As AppDomain = CreateAppDomain()
Dim evaluator As ReportTester.Parameters.AbstractEvaluator = AsmHelper.ExecuteInAppTemporaryAppDomain(temporaryAppDomain, assemblyBytes)
evaluator.Domain = temporaryAppDomain
And it you thought loading an appdomain is hacky, wait until you must unload the appdomain in a disposable.
I did that like this:
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
If Not disposedValue Then
If disposing Then
' TODO: verwalteten Zustand (verwaltete Objekte) entsorgen.
If Me.LoadContext IsNot Nothing Then
Me.LoadContext = Nothing
End If
If Me.Stream IsNot Nothing Then
Me.Stream = Nothing
End If
'If Parameters.m_parameterValues IsNot Nothing Then
' Parameters.m_parameterValues.Clear()
' Parameters.m_parameterValues = Nothing
'End If
If Me.Domain IsNot Nothing Then
Dim thread As System.Threading.Thread = New System.Threading.Thread(
Sub(obj As System.AppDomain)
' System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000)
Catch ex As System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
' System.Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
thread.IsBackground = True
Me.Domain = Nothing
End If
End If
' TODO: nicht verwaltete Ressourcen (nicht verwaltete Objekte) freigeben und Finalize() weiter unten überschreiben.
' TODO: grosse Felder auf Null setzen.
End If
disposedValue = True
End Sub
Because if you do it with the generic idisposable method from SO, it will fail because the action is not serializable...
Note that the origin of the trouble is, that in the new appdomain, Assembly.Load code can't access the byte array from the old appdomain, and instead gets an empty byte-array, thus a class with attribute Serializable... Or respectively, if you want to return the assembly in ApplicationDomainBridge, you get a "missing assembly" exception (serialization issue?), although it loaded fine in the other domain.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5812
Maybe using the callback on the app domain to switch to the context of the newly created app domain will allow you to load successfully? Something like this...
public object Execute(byte[] assemblyBytes)
AppDomain domainWithAsm = AsmLoad.Execute(assemblyBytes);
public class AsmLoad
public byte[] AsmData;
public void LoadAsm()
Console.WriteLine("Loaded into: " + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName);
public static AppDomain Execute(byte[] assemblyBytes)
AsmLoad asmLoad = new AsmLoad() { AsmData = assemblyBytes };
var app = AppDomain.CreateDomain("MonitoringProxy", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence, new AppDomainSetup { ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory }, new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted));
app.DoCallBack(new CrossAppDomainDelegate(asmLoad.LoadAsm));
return app;
Here is a more complete example, which shows how to load an assembly and pass information back to the calling app domain, and also unloads the app domain created to load the assembly.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var assemblyBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\dev\Newtonsoft.Json.dll");
// load an unload the same assembly 5 times
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
var assemblyContainer = AssemblyContainer.LoadAssembly(assemblyBytes, true);
var assemblyName = assemblyContainer.AssemblyName;
public class AssemblyContainer
public byte[] AssemblyData { get; set; }
public bool ReflectionOnly { get; set; }
private AppDomain Container { get; set; }
public AssemblyName AssemblyName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Unload the domain containing the assembly
/// </summary>
public void Unload()
/// <summary>
/// Load the assembly
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This will be executed</remarks>
public void LoadAssembly()
var assembly = ReflectionOnly ? Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(AssemblyData) : Assembly.Load(AssemblyData);
AssemblyName = assembly.GetName();
// set data to pick up from the main app domain
Container.SetData("AssemblyData", AssemblyName);
/// <summary>
/// Load the assembly into another domain
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assemblyBytes"></param>
/// <param name="reflectionOnly"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static AssemblyContainer LoadAssembly(byte[] assemblyBytes, bool reflectionOnly = false)
var containerAppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(
new AppDomainSetup
ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted));
AssemblyContainer assemblyContainer = new AssemblyContainer()
AssemblyData = assemblyBytes,
ReflectionOnly = reflectionOnly,
Container = containerAppDomain
containerAppDomain.DoCallBack(new CrossAppDomainDelegate(assemblyContainer.LoadAssembly));
// collect data from the other app domain
assemblyContainer.AssemblyName = (AssemblyName)containerAppDomain.GetData("AssemblyData");
return assemblyContainer;
Upvotes: 4