Reputation: 803
Ok, i'm very new to Ruby (i come from PHP, Symfony2 and AngularJS) and relatively new when it comes to properly writing Vagrantfiles. I'm trying to create a multi-machine environment while trying to stick to DRY principles.
As i read that Vagrantfiles understand Ruby syntax, i looked up the way Ruby defines associative arrays. This happened to be quite easy, apparently not.
My Vagrantfile:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
#hash for boxes: 'box_name' => 'last_ip_octet'
boxes = {
'frontend' => '10',
'qp' => '11'
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "chef/ubuntu-14.04"
#All machines, see the hash defined in top of the Vagrantfile for all the boxes
boxes.each do |key, value|
config.vm.define "#{key}.qp" do |#{key}_qp|
#{key} "private_network", ip: "192.168.51.#{value}"
#{key}_qp.vm.provision "shell", path: "../provisioning/"
#{key}_qp.vm.synced_folder "./share/#{key}.qp", "/var/www/html"
My problem reads as follows:
There is a syntax error in the following Vagrantfile. The syntax error
message is reproduced below for convenience:
/Users/Zowie/Documents/vagrant/project/temp/Vagrantfile:30: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting '|'
Unfortunately, i can't find any info on using Hashes or anything similar in Vagrantfiles. I really hope you can help me out, because i'd not feel good while writing a super-long Vagrantfile with a lot of repetitions...
Thanks in advance!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3604
Reputation: 803
The Stackoverflow website answered my question for me! Thanks to Stackoverflow's code block feature, i noticed that my machine-specific configurations were commented out because i used a '#'.
I fixed it by using the following syntax in my loop (which is also easier to read):
boxes.each do |key, value|
config.vm.define "#{key}.qp" do |node| "private_network", ip: "192.168.51.#{value}"
node.vm.provision "shell", path: "../provisioning/"
node.vm.synced_folder "./share/#{key}.qp", "/var/www/html"
Upvotes: 2