Reputation: 77
I have many CSV. files that I want to combine into one big one, further to that, I also need to keep the File Name in Column 2.
Contents of my CSV file
File Name ABNK102455
Column A
File Name ABNK102456
Column A
Column A
12/215425 ABNK102455
12/125485 ABNK102455
12/215435 ABNK102455
12/215425 ABNK102456
12/125485 ABNK102456
12/215435 ABNK102456
Is this possible, and How?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2747
Reputation: 80203
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
SET "mask=q*.csv"
SET "headerlinegenerated="
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /a-d /b "%sourcedir%\%mask%"') DO (
SET "headerline="
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%m IN ("%sourcedir%\%%~nxa") DO (
IF NOT DEFINED headerlinegenerated SET "headerlinegenerated=Y"&ECHO %%m
IF DEFINED headerline ECHO %%m %%~na
SET headerline=Y
You would need to change the setting of sourcedir
to suit your circumstances.
I used a files named q26135599-1.csv
and q26135599-2.csv
containing your data for my testing. You would need to adjust the setting of mask
to suit.
Produces newfile.txt
Best not to try to create newfile.txt
as a .csv
within your source directory, unless you're really sure that it won't be included in %mask%
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 8941
To get you going ....
Sub Test()
Dim Idx As Long
Dim RowNum As Long
Dim TargetRange As Range
Dim FileName As String
RowNum = 1
Set TargetRange = ActiveSheet.[A1]
' File selection loop
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = True
' use .Filters.Add ... to present only .txt, .csv files etc.
' File processing loop
For Idx = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
' here you get each file name inc. full path ... one by one
FileName = .SelectedItems(Idx)
' isolate filename
' open file
' while not end of file
' read from file line by line into a string variable
' place string into TargetRange(RowNum, 1)
' place filename into TargetRange(RowNum, 2)
' increment RowNuM
Next Idx
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 0