Reputation: 2328
I'm writing an app for rooted devices that needs to get into superuser mode. I know how to do this in a way which works on actual rooted devices, but when I test it in the AVD, which also is rooted, the "su" command does not behave in the same way that it does on a real device. It will not allow a non-root user to "su" to root ... the AVD only allows root to su to a non-root user.
Does anyone know how to get the following code fragment to work within an Android emulator?
// ... etc. ...
Process process = null;
try {
// This works on a rooted device and fails within
// the rooted AVD ...
process = new ProcessBuilder("/system/xbin/su").start();
catch (Throwable t) {
DataOutputStream writer = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
InputStreamReader stream = new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream());
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(stream);
try {
writer.writeBytes("exec /system/bin/mount -o remount,rw /system\n");
// Just in case the "exec" fails, above ...
writer.writeBytes("exit 1\n");
catch (Throwable t) {
finally {
try {
catch (Throwable t) {
// do nothing
try {
catch (Throwable t) {
// do nothing
// ... etc. ...
This fails because the app is not running as root, but in the AVD, /system/xbin/su command only works if it is being invoked by the root user. The following adb shell dialog illustrates that point (I'm connecting to the running AVD) ...
% adb shell
root@generic:/ # ### we are now running as root
root@generic:/ # /system/xbin/su u0_a70
root@generic:/ $ ### this worked because "su" is invoked as root
root@generic:/ $ ### we are now running as user u0_a70
root@generic:/ $ /system/xbin/su root
su: uid 10070 not allowed to su
1|root@generic:/ $ ### this didn't work as a non-root user
Does anyone know how to get the "su" command to work in the rooted AVD in the same way that "su" works in a rooted device?
Thanks in advance.
PS: This is for Android 4.4.x
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Views: 1431
Reputation: 161
Don't use stock Android emulator, use GenyMotion and follow this tutorial XDA link
hope that this will help you :)
Upvotes: 1