Reputation: 1305
Suddenly my tmux stopped to change terminal window title for rxvt-unicode
. The only major change I remember doing last week was updating bash
It'still working with xterm
, so it may be something strictly with rxvt
Here are my current versions:
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Architecture Description
ii bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.1 amd64 GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii rxvt-unicode 9.19-1 amd64 RXVT-like terminal emulator with Unicode s
ii tmux 1.8-5 amd64 terminal multiplexer
And here, fragments of my conf files:
# Start tmux at login
# If not running interactively, do not do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
[[ -z "$TMUX" ]] && exec tmux
URxvt.background: #1E2B20
URxvt.foreground: wheat
URxvt.fading: 25
URxvt.scrollBar: 0
!URxvt.font: -*-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!URxvt.font: xft:Inconsolata:pixelsize=15
URxvt.font: xft:Ubuntu Mono:pixelsize=15
URxvt.color10: #66ff66
URxvt.color12: #6666ff
URxvt.borderLess: 0
URxvt.termName: rxvt
URxvt.urlLauncher: google-chrome
URxvt.loginShell: 1
! Font resize extension
URxvt.perl-ext-common: ...,font-size
URxvt.keysym.C-S-Up: perl:font-size:increase
URxvt.keysym.C-S-Down: perl:font-size:decrease
# turn on window titles
set -g set-titles on
# set wm window title string
set -g set-titles-string '#W'
# automatically set window title
setw -g automatic-rename on
How can I make it work again? Am I forgetting something?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 776
Reputation: 1305
is set to rxvt
, in .Xdefaults
. Setting it to rxvt-unicode
fiz the problem.
in .Xdefaults
URxvt.termName: rxvt-unicode
Upvotes: 1