Reputation: 331
I made the following script:
awk ' {
if ($1 ~ /^d/) {
a=a $0;
.... -> rest code
if (p == 1) {
print b;
} ' input.txt
Input file:
d1file some text
edont show that
d2file like it
d3file need to remove
a content at end:
d1file some text
d2file like it
d3file need to remove
What I would like to do:
If $1 starts with d I store it inside the a variable. Later I like to move a to b and remove last line from b, so the output of b should be:
d1file some text
d2file like it
I was looking for any solution but no luck at all. I was thinking about store a content as array and loop it using index-1 to remove last line, but I couldn't get it worked.
Is there any way to do that?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 750
Reputation: 785196
You can use this simple awk
awk '$1 ~ /^d/{if(p) a=a p; p=$0 ORS} END{printf a}' input.txt
d1file some text
d2file like it
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 26667
awk '/^d/{a[nr++]=$0}END{for(i=0;i<nr-1;i++) print a[i]}'input.txt
selects the lines that start with d
, and performs the action saves the lines in array a
if it starts with d
The for
in END
will print the array exluding the last
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 15501
awk '
/^d/ { a = a $0 "\n"} # accumulate lines starting with d
sub(/\n[^\n]*\n$/, "", a); # remove the last line
print a
' input.txt
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 80931
I don't understand the ultimate goal here and this seems like an odd way to do things but this should do what you want:
awk 'tmp{b=b (b?ORS:"") tmp; tmp=""}; /^d/{tmp=$0;next} END{a=b (tmp?ORS:"") tmp; something with a and b here...} input.txt
$ cat input.txt
d1file some text
edont show that
d2file like it
d3file need to remove
$ awk 'tmp{b=b (b?ORS:"") tmp; tmp=""}; /^d/{tmp=$0;next} END{a=b (tmp?ORS:"") tmp; print "--"; print a; print "--"; print b; print "--"}' input.txt
d1file some text
d2file like it
d3file need to remove
d1file some text
d2file like it
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 50034
This should do the job:
awk 'BEGIN {counter=1} { if ($1 ~ /^d/) array[counter++]=$0} END { for (element=1;element<counter-1;element++) print array[element]}' input.txt
This sticks all the search hits in an array, then at the end prints all but the last element of the array
Upvotes: 2