Luis Liu
Luis Liu

Reputation: 73

XCOPY overwrite action?

in the bat file I got a simply command like :

xcopy "C:\Users\me\Documents\ApplyPatchBat" "C:\Users\me\Desktop\Test\" /S/E/K 

This does the job where it will copy all the files including files inside subfolders. I know you can add /y to make it auto overwrite.
How ever I want to create an statement if this file that we are copying exist in the destination folder, copy the one in destination folder to a backup folder.

I wonder there is any IF statement I can add to after the command to detect if the file is existing? Or maybe an error level check when its asking do I want to overwrite?
P.S. This is for applying new patches to a program, where there are many layers of folders, that's why I use the /S/E/K in xcopy.

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Views: 13668

Answers (1)

Scott C
Scott C

Reputation: 1660

xcopy itself can't backup beforehand, but with output from xcopy and a bit of for loop magic you can make this happen

@echo off
set source="C:\Users\me\Documents\ApplyPatchBat"
set target="C:\Users\me\Desktop\Test\"

rem /l = list only, /u = already existing, /y = yes to replace
rem /f = display full source and destination file names, /c = continue on errors
rem /s = subdirectories, /k = keep attributes
rem split the strings at ->, we're only interested in the part after ->
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,* delims=>" %%a in (`xcopy %source% %target% /l /u /y /f /c /s /k`) do (
    set file=%%b
    rem ignore lines without a destination, e.g. 15 file(s) copied
    if x!file! neq x (
        rem remove the leading space, original string is source -> destination
        set file=!file:~1!
        for %%f in ("!file!") do (
            if not exist %%~dpf\backup\* md %%~dpf\backup
            rem only backup if not already backed up
            if not exist %%~dpf\backup\%%~nxf move %%f %%~dpf\backup
xcopy %source% %target% /y /c /q /s /k

Upvotes: 3

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