Reputation: 43
I am using boostrap 3 and tinymce 4. I am trying to put tinymce in a modal and it work fine, but when I use data-dismiss on the modal and then reopen it again tinymce does not show in the modal window. code as follows:
for tinymce
selector: "#tinytext",
plugins: "image code autolink link charmap insertdatetime table media textcolor emoticons",
browser_spellcheck: true,
//image_dimensions: false,
toolbar: ["undo redo | styleselect | bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify ",
" bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | forecolor backcolor | emoticons"]
for modal cancel
$('#Modal').on('', function () {
I would like to be able to close the modal and reopen it again with tinymce still attach to #tinytext
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Views: 1144
Reputation: 43
I figured it out. You must remove the tinymce instance in the modal before you try and reload it again. on my modal when I call the '' I need to close any instance of tinymce that was used in the closing modal.
code: $('#Modal').on('', function () {
once you do that, when you reopen the modal, the tinymce instance will reinitialize with no problem.
Upvotes: 3