Reputation: 958
I'm trying to find probable Mersenne primes by checking Mersenne numbers with the Miller Rabin primality check.
If mersennes
is the infinite list of Mersenne numbers, I would like to do something like:
probableMersennePrimes :: IO [Integer]
probableMersennePrimes = [ n | n <- mersennes, primeMillerRabin n ]
Where primeMillerRabin :: Integer -> IO Bool
As a side question, should the type be IO [Integer]
or [IO Integer]
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1020
Reputation: 3480
All other answers are great. However, I think the simplest approach to this problem is lazy IO and it's worth considering. I also believe that in this special case lazy IO is harmless since there are no system resources involved (file handles etc.)
You just need to redefine a special filterM
for lazy IO.
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
filterMIO :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO [a]
filterMIO p = go
go [] = return []
go (x:xs) = do
xs' <- unsafeInterleaveIO (go xs)
b <- p x
return $ if b then (x:xs') else xs'
probableMersennePrimes :: IO [Integer]
probableMersennePrimes = filteMIO primeMillerRabin mersennes
Note that this will just work fine with infinite lists. That's why we've used lazy IO, actually!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 89073
If you change primeMillerRabin
to be of type RandomGen g => Integer -> State g Bool
, you can do this with filterM
probableMersennePrimes :: RandomGen g => g -> [Integer]
probableMersennePrimes = evalState $ filterM primeMillerRabin mersennes
By using evalState
, we abandon the final state of the filterM primeMillerRabin mersennes
computation, so we cannot be strict in it. But this is a good thing, as the final state will only be available after we reach process the end of the mersennes
list, which is infinite, and has no end.
This allows the computation to lazily produce elements of probableMersennePrimes gen
You can't do it while it returns an IO
action, because of how the random number generator works. The IO computation needs to know what the end state is so it can generate another random number after that computation, so it has to loop endlessly, looking for the end of the endless list.
But don't just believe me, try it out:
module SO26307073 where
import Control.Monad.State
import System.Random
-- find how many times a factor divides a number
-- (p^s * d) `factorBy` p == (s,d) iff d `rem` p /= 0
factorBy :: Integral a => a -> a -> (Int,a)
factorBy n p = (length steps - 1, fst $ last steps)
where steps = takeWhile ((==0) . snd) $ iterate (flip quotRem 2 . fst) (n, 0)
mersennes :: Num a => [a]
mersennes = [ 2^n - 1 | n <- [2..] ]
type RandomRM m = (Integer, Integer) -> m Integer
primeMillerRabinWith :: Monad m => RandomRM m -> Integer -> m Bool
primeMillerRabinWith randomRM n = do
let nMinus1 = n-1
(s,d) = nMinus1 `factorBy` 2
liftM (all id) . replicateM 10 $ do
a <- randomRM (2, nMinus1)
let x = (a^d) `mod` n
let xs = take s $ iterate (\x -> (x^2) `mod` n) x
return $ x == 1 || any (== nMinus1) xs
probableMersennePrimesWith :: Monad m => RandomRM m -> m [Integer]
probableMersennePrimesWith randomRM = filterM (primeMillerRabinWith randomRM) mersennes
probableMersennePrimesPure :: RandomGen g => g -> [Integer]
probableMersennePrimesPure = evalState . probableMersennePrimesWith $ state . randomR
probableMersennePrimesIO :: IO [Integer]
probableMersennePrimesIO = probableMersennePrimesWith $ randomRIO
Note that probableMersennePrimesIO
and probableMersennePrimesPure
just use different ways to draw randoms.
Popping over to ghci, we can see that the pure version works, while the IO version just hangs:
λ import Control.Applicative
λ import System.Random
λ :l SO26307073
[1 of 1] Compiling SO26307073 ( SO26307073.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: SO26307073.
λ take 0 . probableMersennePrimesPure <$> newStdGen
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package time-1.4.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package random- ... linking ... done.
Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package mtl-2.2.1 ... linking ... done.
λ take 5 . probableMersennePrimesPure <$> newStdGen
λ take 5 <$> probableMersennePrimesIO
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 35089
You can stream the infinite list of numbers using ListT
from pipes
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Pipes
mersennes :: [Integer]
mersennes = undefined
primeMillerRabin :: Integer -> IO Bool
primeMillerRabin = undefined
probableMersennePrimes :: ListT IO Integer
probableMersennePrimes = do
n <- Select (each mersennes)
continue <- lift (primeMillerRabin n)
guard continue
return n
main = runListT $ do
n <- probableMersennePrimes
lift (print n)
This works even if the list of mersennes
is infinite and it will stream results as you compute them.
Upvotes: 4