Reputation: 1301
Given a vector v = [1,..,n]
, I try to compute all unique sets of n elements with replacements in julia.
Since I want to do this for larger values of n, I'm looking for an efficient solution, possibly using iterators.
For example, let's consider v = [1, 2, 3]
: This should results in [1,1,1], [1,1,2], [1,1,3], [1,2,2], [1,2,3], [1,3,3], [2,2,2], [2,2,3], [2,3,3], [3,3,3]
. With unique, I mean that if [1,1,2]
is a solution, any of its permutations [1,2,1], [2,1,1]
is not.
My current solution is based on the partitions
function, but does not allow me to restrict the computation on the elements [1,..,n]
for i in n:n^2
for j in partitions(i, n)
## ignore sets which exceed the range [1,n]
if maximum(j) <= n
## accept as solution
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3189
Reputation: 18217
I guess, it doesn't get shorter than one-line (using Iterators).
using IterTools
import Combinatorics.combinations
collect(imap(c -> Int[c[k]-k+1 for k=1:length(c)],combinations(1:(2n-1),n)))
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 3184
In julia v0.5.0, combinatorics.jl
has a with_replacement_combinations
julia> collect(with_replacement_combinations(1:4,3))
20-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 18217
OK, a simpler version using Iterators.jl:
using Iterators
function ff(c)
v = Array(Int,length(c))
j = 1 ; p = 1
for k=1:length(c)
while !(j in c) j += 1 ; p += 1 ; end
v[k] = p
j += 1
# test
n = 3
for t in imap(ff,combinations([1:(2n-1)],n)) println(t) ; end
This is perhaps the simplest version, although equivalent in methods to the other answers.
And in the spirit of brevity:
using Iterators
ff(c) = begin
j=1;p=1; [(while !(j in c) j+=1;p+=1 ; end ; j+=1 ; p) for k=1:length(c)]
n = 3 # test
for t in imap(ff,combinations([1:(2n-1)],n)) println(t) ; end
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 18217
And in iterator form:
import Base: start, next, done, eltype, length
type ImageTypeIterator
imagetype(n::Int) = ImageTypeIterator(combinations([1:(2n-1)],n-1),n)
eltype(itr::ImageTypeIterator) = Array{Int64,1}
start(itr::ImageTypeIterator) = start(itr.inneritr)
function next(itr::ImageTypeIterator,s)
(c,s) = next(itr.inneritr,s)
c3 = [c,2*itr.n].-[0,c]
(vcat([fill(i,c3[itr.n-i+1]-1) for i=1:itr.n]...),s)
done(itr::ImageTypeIterator,s) = done(itr.inneritr,s)
length(itr::ImageTypeIterator) = length(itr.inneritr)
# test with [1,2,3]
for t in imagetype(3) println(t) ; end
The test at the end should print the collection set in the question.
BTW the name ImageTypeIterator is an attempt to characterize the collection as the distinct types of sizes of preimages when looking at a function f : [1:n] -> [1:n]. But a different interpretation might be appropriate. Other names suggestion welcome in comments.
A faster?/clearer? implementation could use:
imagetype(n::Int) = ImageTypeIterator(combinations([1:(2n-1)],n),n)
function next(itr::ImageTypeIterator,s)
(c,s) = next(itr.inneritr,s)
v = Array(Int,itr.n)
j = 1 ; p = 1
for k=1:itr.n
while !(j in c) j += 1 ; p += 1 ; end
v[k] = p
j += 1
Its the same logic as above, but without too much slicing. The logic takes a subset of 2n-1 and views non-gaps as repeated values and gaps as a trigger to advance to next value.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 18217
Here is a function to calculate the required collection:
function calcset(n=3)
res = []
for c in combinations([1:(2n-1)],n-1)
c3 = [c,2n].-[0,c]
push!(res,vcat([fill(i,c3[n-i+1]-1) for i=1:n]...))
return res
There is probably some better way to code this, but this should be enough.
Notice the result is generated through repeated push!
s, so this is easily turned into an iterator, if necessary.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21
I believe you're looking for the product function from the Iterators package. In your case product(v,v,v) should do what's required.
Upvotes: 2