Reputation: 5074
I'm attempting to build a binary search tree and then do a horizontal inorder print with the left most node as the first node displayed. Also, preceding each node is its depth (distance from root) as well as a tilde to help visualize the tree itself. Conceptually my code seems to be correct, but for whatever reason I can't seem to get it to build the tree properly. I figure that the error is most likely in my insert function, but I can't seem to locate it.
Any suggestions or ideas would be extremely helpful!
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef struct treeNode {
treeNode *leftChild;
treeNode *rightChild;
int data;
} treeNode;
void printTree(treeNode*);
int getNodeDepth(treeNode*);
treeNode* insert(treeNode*, int);
treeNode* createNewNode(int);
int main()
//read in file here
treeNode *root = NULL;
root = insert(root, 8);
root = insert(root, 1);
root = insert(root, 90);
root = insert(root, 3);
root = insert(root, 80);
root = insert(root, 6);
root = insert(root, 83);
return 0;
Purpose: Constructs a new node for the tree.
Inputs: The data for the node.
Outputs: returns the new node
treeNode* createNewNode(int data)
treeNode *newNode = new treeNode;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->leftChild = NULL;
newNode->rightChild = NULL;
return newNode;
Purpose: Calculates the depth of a given node using recursion.
Inputs: The node to check the depth on.
Outputs: returns the depth
int getNodeDepth(treeNode *node)
if (node == NULL) // tree doesn't exist
return(1 + max(getNodeDepth(node->leftChild), getNodeDepth(node->rightChild)));
Purpose: Inserts a node into the tree.
Inputs: The node to be inserted and the data for the node.
Outputs: returns the inserted node
treeNode* insert(treeNode *node, int data)
if (node == NULL)
return createNewNode(data);
if (data <= node->data)
node->leftChild = insert(node->leftChild, data);
node->rightChild = insert(node->rightChild, data);
return node;
Purpose: Prints the BST in a horizontal inorder format.
Inputs: The root node.
Outputs: nothing
void printTree(treeNode *node)
if (node == NULL)
cout << "(" << (getNodeDepth(node)-1) << ") ";
for (int i=0; i<(getNodeDepth(node)-1); i++)
cout << "~";
cout << node->data << endl;
The current output is as follows:
(2) ~~1
(1) ~3
(0) 6
(3) ~~~8
(1) ~80
(0) 83
(2) ~~90
Obviously it can't have two roots (ie 6 and 83). Thanks!
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Views: 6405
Reputation: 5074
For those in the future who wish for a correct implementation of the answer to my original question here is the refactored code that I came up. I decided to take an OOP approach and modified the insert and getNodeDepth function to appropriately work.
// Binary Search Tree
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// binary search tree
class BST {
typedef struct treeNode {
treeNode *leftChild;
treeNode *rightChild;
int data;
} treeNode;
treeNode *root;
BST() { root = NULL; }
Purpose: Constructs a new node for the tree.
Inputs: The data for the node.
Outputs: returns the new node
treeNode* createNewNode(int data)
treeNode *newNode = new treeNode;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->leftChild = NULL;
newNode->rightChild = NULL;
return newNode;
//Check if the tree is empty
bool isEmpty() const { return root==NULL; }
Purpose: Calculates the depth of a given node using recursion.
Inputs: The node to check the depth on and the node to check the depth from.
Outputs: returns the depth
int getNodeDepth(treeNode *node, treeNode *from)
if (node == from)
return 0;
else if (node->data < from->data)
return getNodeDepth(node, from->leftChild) + 1;
return getNodeDepth(node, from->rightChild) + 1;
Purpose: Inserts a node into the tree.
Inputs: The data for the node.
Outputs: none
void insert(int newData)
treeNode* t = createNewNode(newData);
treeNode* parent;
parent = NULL;
if(isEmpty()) //check if tree exists or not
root = t;
else {
//Note: ALL insertions are as leaf nodes
treeNode* curr;
curr = root;
// Find the Node's parent
parent = curr;
if (t->data > curr->data)
curr = curr->rightChild;
curr = curr->leftChild;
if ((t->data) < (parent->data))
parent->leftChild = t;
parent->rightChild = t;
Purpose: Prints the BST in a horizontal inorder format.
Inputs: The root node.
Outputs: nothing
void printTree(treeNode *node)
if (node == NULL)
cout << "(" << getNodeDepth(node, root) << ") ";
for (int i=0; i<getNodeDepth(node, root); i++)
cout << "~";
cout << node->data << endl;
//Getter for private member variable root
void printInorder()
int main()
// read file in here
BST temp;
return 0;
The correct output looks as follows with 8 as the root:
(1) ~1
(2) ~~3
(3) ~~~6
(0) 8
(2) ~~80
(3) ~~~83
(1) ~90
Hope this helps!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11
In the first you shouldn't write treeNode
typedef struct {
treeNode *leftChild;
treeNode *rightChild;
int data;
} treeNode;
In the second you create a memory leak:
treeNode *root = new treeNode;
root = NULL;
You should write:
treeNode *root = NULL;
Obviously it can't have two roots (ie 6 and 83). Thanks!
6 and 83 aren't roots. 8 is a root. So your program gave right answer.
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