
Reputation: 578

Going from corpus to individual .txt files in R's tm

I have a .csv file with 6000 rows and 2 columns.I would like to write each row as a separate text file. Any ideas as to how this can be done in tm? I tried writeCorpus() but that function just spits out the 150 .txt files instead of 6000. Is this a memory issue or something I am doing wrong with the code?


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Views: 1844

Answers (2)


Reputation: 42303

No need to use tm for this, here's a reproducible example that makes a CSV file with 6000 rows and two columns, reads it in, and then turns it into 6000 txt files

First prepare some data for the example...

# from
txt <- "Brunch single-origin coffee photo booth, meggings fixie stumptown pickled mumblecore slow-carb aesthetic ennui Odd Future blog plaid Bushwick. Seitan keffiyeh hashtag Portland, kitsch irony authentic vegan post-ironic. Actually pop-up flexitarian kale chips ethical authentic, stumptown meggings. Photo booth Helvetica farm-to-table Neutra. Selfies blog swag, lomo viral meh chillwave distillery deep v Truffaut. Squid Cosby sweater irony, art party mustache Vice Wes Anderson Bushwick McSweeney's locavore roof party paleo. 3 wolf moon salvia gentrify, taxidermy street art banh mi Portland deep v small batch Truffaut."

# get n random samples of this paragraph
n <- 6000
txt_split <- unlist(strsplit(txt, split = " "))
txts <- sapply(1:n, function(i) paste(sample(txt_split, 10, replace = TRUE), 
                                             collapse  = " "))

# make dataframe then CSV file, two cols, n rows.
my_csv <- data.frame( col_one = 1:n,
                      col_two = txts)
write.csv(my_csv, "my_csv.csv", row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE)

Now we have a CSV file that might be similar to what you have, we can read it in:

# Read in the CSV file...

x <- read.csv("my_csv.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

And now we can write each row of the CSV file to a separate text file (they will appear in your working directory):

# Write each row of the CSV to a txt file
sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) write.table(paste(x[i,], collapse = " "), 
                                          paste0("my_txt_", i, ".txt"), 
                                          col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE))

If you really want to use tm, you were on the right track, this works fine for me:

# Read in the CSV file...
x <- read.csv("my_csv.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
my_corpus <- Corpus(DataframeSource(x))

And closer to your example also works fine for me:

corp <- Corpus(VectorSource(x$col_one))

If it's not working for you it might be something unusual about your CSV file, some weird characters and so on. Without more detail about your specific problem it's hard to say.

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Here is an example to split text into paragraphs, remove the empty lines, and write the lines to text files. Then you would need to process the text files.

txt="Argument split will be coerced to character, so you will see uses with split = NULL to mean split = character(0), including in the examples below.

Note that splitting into single characters can be done via split = character(0) ; the two are equivalent. The definition of 'character’ here depends on the locale: in a single-byte locale it is a byte, and in a multi-byte locale it is the unit represented by a ‘wide character’ (almost always a Unicode code point).

A missing value of split does not split the corresponding element(s) of x at all."

txt2<-data.frame(para = strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]],stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

npara = length(txt3)
for (ip in seq(1,npara)) {
  fname = paste("paragraph_",ip,".txt",sep="")
  writeLines(txt3[ip], fileConn)

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