Reputation: 41
I am severely new to ColdFusion... I have searched for help on this statement and have found a bunch of material, but still don't understand what is going on. All of the parts of this statement make sense, but when I put them all together, it's confusing... the ColdFusion 8: IsDefined("URL.variable) and is not"" thread is the closest, but I still don't understand. This is the 1st statement in the index.cfm file of my application. It's not throwing an error, I just want to understand how it works. Thank you.
I have yet to be able to successfully post code here, so here is a link to a text version of the index.cfm.
Edit: The code below should be the relevant sections related to URL.openFile
<cfif isdefined("URL.openFile")>
<cfquery name="getFile" datasource="xxxxxxxx">
SELECT filename, filename2, filecontent, filesize
FROM Help_FooterInfo
WHERE Help_id=5 and Section='Registration'
<cfset sproot=#getDirectoryFromPath(getTemplatePath())#>
<cfset newDest = #sproot#&"temp\">
<cfoutput query="getFile">
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=#getfile.FileName2#">
<cfcontent type="application/msword" variable="#getfile.filecontent#">
<cfquery name="getRegistration" datasource="xxxxxxxx">
select * from help_footerinfo where help_id=5
<a href="<cfif #getRegistration.filename2# neq "">index.cfm?openfile=Yes</cfif>" target="_blank">
The error message I am receiving (see comment below): ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (ColdFusion application)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 814
Reputation: 20804
<cfif IsDefined("URL.variable") and URL.variable is not "" >
means, "If url.variable actually exists and is not an empty string".
A better alternative for isDefined("URL.variable")
is StructKeyExists(url,"variable")
Other alternatives for is not ""
include len(trim(url.variable)) gt 0
, and isNumeric(url.variable)
Upvotes: 1