

Jersey Client to save response from REST Call into custom object

My REST service outputs @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML). This is converted from:

ArrayList<CoffeeOrder> orders = new ArrayList<CoffeeOrder>();

GenericEntity<ArrayList<CoffeeOrder> > entity = new GenericEntity<ArrayList<CoffeeOrder> >(orders) {};


return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(entity).build();  



In my client, I want to call this service and save the response as an ArrayList<CoffeeOrder>.

CoffeeOrder looks something like this:

public class CoffeeOrder {

   private String id;

   private ArrayList<String> links = new ArrayList<String>();


Is there a way that I can fill this object with the response from the REST request?

Thank you for your help!

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Views: 1317

Answers (1)

Paul Samsotha
Paul Samsotha

Reputation: 209132

My suggestion is to use JAXB annotations. As noted from Jersey Tutorial, " Jersey contains default support for entity providers that can serialize JAXB beans into XML"

So you could create a CoffeeOrders class, that holds a List<CoffeeOrder>. Something like

public class CoffeeOrders {

    @XmlElement(name = "coffeOrder")
    protected List<CoffeeOrder> coffeeOrders;


    public void addCoffeeOrder(CoffeeOrder coffeeOrder) {
        if (coffeeOrders == null) {
            coffeeOrders = new ArrayList<>();

Your response could simply be

CoffeeOrders orders = new CoffeeOrders();
// add CoffeeOrder(s) to list in orders
return Response.ok(orders).build();

As far as the <links> go, it seems you are trying to implements some HATEOAS format. I'd suggest maybe using the Link class to create links. You can have a List<Link> in the CoffeeOrder class.

public class CoffeeOrder {

    protected String id;

    @XmlElement(name = "link")
    protected List<Link> links;


And (not so great) example of a response could be something like

public class CoffeeResource {

    public Response getCoffeOrders(@Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
        UriBuilder builder = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder();
        CoffeeOrders orders = new CoffeeOrders();

        CoffeeOrder order = new CoffeeOrder();

        List<Link> links = new ArrayList<>();
        URI coffee = builder.clone().path("coffee").path("1").build();
        Link coffeeLink = Link.fromUri(coffee).rel("coffee1")

        URI payment = builder.clone().path("payment").path("1").build();
        Link paymentLink = Link.fromUri(coffee).rel("payment1")


        return Response.ok(orders).build();

Receiving the Response might look something like

public void testGetIt() throws Exception {
    Response response = target.path("coffee").request().get();
    CoffeeOrders order = response.readEntity(CoffeeOrders.class);
    JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(CoffeeOrders.class);
    Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
    marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
    marshaller.marshal(order, System.out);

And the result

        <link href="http://localhost:8080/myapp/coffee/1" rel="coffee1" type="application/xml"/>
        <link href="http://localhost:8080/myapp/coffee/1" rel="coffee1" type="application/xml"/>

To receive a POST with the CoffeeOrders object, just use the same xml accept type. The Jersey runtime will parse the xml for you, based on the JAXB annotations you provided.

Some resources:

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