Reputation: 183
I need to filter the list [#,d,e,#,f,g]
such that I get the output as [[d,e],[f,g]]
I am stuck while creating a new list every time I encounter '#' is there a way to do this?
I tried the code below,
filterL([],List) :-[].
filterL([Head|Tail],X) :-
( Head \='#'->
; filterL(Tail,X)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 281
Reputation: 18726
With meta-predicate splitlistIf/3
and the reified equality predicate (=)/3
, the task at hand becomes a one-liner---that is both efficient and logically pure!
?- splitlistIf(=(#),[#,d,e,#,f,g],Xs).
Xs = [[d,e],[f,g]]. % succeeds deterministically
As the code is monotone, logical soundness is ensured even for quite general queries:
?- Xs = [A,B,C], splitlistIf(=(X),Xs,Yss).
Xs = [A,B,C], X=A , X=B , X=C , Yss = [ ] ;
Xs = [A,B,C], X=A , X=B , dif(X,C), Yss = [ [C]] ;
Xs = [A,B,C], X=A , dif(X,B), X=C , Yss = [ [B] ] ;
Xs = [A,B,C], X=A , dif(X,B), dif(X,C), Yss = [ [B,C]] ;
Xs = [A,B,C], dif(X,A), X=B , X=C , Yss = [[A] ] ;
Xs = [A,B,C], dif(X,A), X=B , dif(X,C), Yss = [[A],[C]] ;
Xs = [A,B,C], dif(X,A), dif(X,B), X=C , Yss = [[A,B] ] ;
Xs = [A,B,C], dif(X,A), dif(X,B), dif(X,C), Yss = [[A,B,C]].
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 10122
Here is another version, which uses an even more general approach:
list_splitbyhash(Xs, Xss) :-
phrase(by_split(=(#), Xss), Xs).
=(X,Y,false) :- dif(X,Y).
by_split(_C_2, []) --> [].
by_split(C_2, Xss) -->
( { T = true },
by_split(C_2, Xss)
| { T = false, Xss = [[E|Xs]|Xss1] },
by_split(C_2, Xss1)
callfalse(C_2,E) :-
el_or_nothing(_) -->
el_or_nothing(C_2), [E] -->
nil([], []).
With lambdas, this can be expressed more compactly. Instead of
and the definition for callfalse/3
, one can now write
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 10122
Your problem is not very well defined. Are empty sequences allowed or not? Shall [#]
be related to [[],[]]
(there is an empty sequence before and after) or []
? You say it should be []
. So:
list_splitbyhash(Xs, Xss) :-
phrase(splitby(Xss,#), Xs).
splitby([],_E) -->
splitby(Xss,E) -->
splitby([Xs|Xss],E) -->
{Xs = [_|_]},
all_seq(_, []) --> [].
all_seq(C_1, [C|Cs]) -->
all_seq(C_1, Cs).
Upvotes: 4