Reputation: 45826
How can I convert a ByteString to an Int?
I have the following 4 bytes that I want to convert (it represents the size in bytes of a .bmp file):
which I know equals 374
Upvotes: 1
Views: 927
Reputation: 52057
For binary parsing, have a look at the binary
package -
It defines a Get
monad, so you can write something like:
data Header { ftype :: ByteString, size_ :: Word32, reserved_ :: ByteString, offset_ :: Word32 }
parseHeader = do
ft <- getByteString 2
size <- getWord32le
reserved <- getByteString 4
offset <- getWord32le
return $ Header ft size reserved offset
and later:
main = do
bytes <- hGetContents handle
let header = runGet parseHeader bytes
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 45826
I managed to get a small functions working that demonstrates the idea
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
lEBsToInt :: B.ByteString -> Int -- littleEndianByteStringToInt
lEBsToInt bs = let bsI = B.take 4 bs in -- 1.
fst $ B.foldl (\(s,i) b -> let shiftBy = i * 8 in -- 2.
(s + (ord b `shiftL` shiftBy), i + 1)) (0,0) bsI --3.
lEBsToInt "v\SOH\NUL\NUL" = 374
This could definitely be improved, but I was happy with it
Upvotes: 0