Reputation: 33
I have created a Landing Page in Tableau that links several reports open to one home screen using a Dashboard. The idea for the dashboard came from:
I have placed a Workbook onto a Dashboard and created a URL action. Once the user clicks on the link it should take them to the link provided.
The issue is, when the user clicks on the link, it opens a new tab within the browser. I do not want it to do this. My Landing page goes through several pages, so imagine the user frustration when opening a new tab every click.
Can anyone advise how I can add a Action URL that will open in the same tab the user is currently in.
I have checked for several solution online, this one being the most promising, but it still fails to work for my solution:
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Views: 12939
Reputation: 420
Add this to the end of the URL you are putting in the action. ?:embed=y&:linktarget=_self
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