Reputation: 3325
$Processes = get-process -computername $tag1 | Group-Object -Property ProcessName
foreach($Process in $Processes)
$Obj = New-Object psobject
$Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Process.Name
$Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Mem -Value ($Process.Group|Measure-Object WorkingSet -Sum).Sum
Currently, this displays memory usage in bytes, how can I change this to show something like:
76,592 KB
and also output everything that is autosized? (aligned to the left)
Upvotes: 25
Views: 137377
Reputation: 107
On 64bit systems:
get-process | Group-Object -Property ProcessName |
% {
ProcessName = $_.Name
Mem_MB = [math]::Round(($_.Group|Measure-Object WorkingSet64 -Sum).Sum / 1MB, 0)
ProcessCount = $_.Count
} | sort -desc Mem_MB | Select-Object -First 25
On 32bit systems:
get-process | Group-Object -Property ProcessName |
% {
ProcessName = $_.Name
Mem_MB = [math]::Round(($_.Group|Measure-Object WorkingSet -Sum).Sum / 1MB, 0)
ProcessCount = $_.Count
} | sort -desc Mem_MB | Select-Object -First 25
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 40828
Format-Table can show expressions and auto-size the columns to fit the results:
On 64 bits:
get-process -computername $tag1 | Group-Object -Property ProcessName |
Format-Table Name, @{n='Mem (KB)';e={'{0:N0}' -f (($_.Group|Measure-Object WorkingSet64 -Sum).Sum / 1KB)};a='right'} -AutoSize
On 32 bits:
get-process -computername $tag1 | Group-Object -Property ProcessName |
Format-Table Name, @{n='Mem (KB)';e={'{0:N0}' -f (($_.Group|Measure-Object WorkingSet -Sum).Sum / 1KB)};a='right'} -AutoSize
Upvotes: 41
Reputation: 2051
To get the amount of memory per process used on a 64 bit windows operating system, run the following command...
Get-Process | Sort-Object WorkingSet64 | Select-Object Name,@{Name='WorkingSet';Expression={($_.WorkingSet64/1KB)}} | Export-Csv -Path "processes64.csv" -Delimiter ","
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 2542
Get-Process | Select-Object Name,@{Name='WorkingSet';Expression={($_.WorkingSet/1KB)}}
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 10001
Just divide by 1KB
also can use 1MB, 1GB, 1TB.
Powershell is very helpful like that.
This link should help Powershell Tip on Byte conversion
Upvotes: 8