Reputation: 73
I recently had an idea to start developing my own Operating System. After reading many articles on different sites that I thought would help me with this task, I thought I could start now. (I am using Ubuntu 14.10 x64 by the way)
Since a floppy disk is the simplest storage medium for developing OSes, I acquired a 3.5 inch floppy disk drive.
I am using NASM as an assembly compiler, and qemu as an emulator. Using the dd command, I cloned an existing and empty (in terms of files) floppy disk to a file called floppy.img.bak .
After that, I wrote a simple bootloader in x86 assembly:
org 7C00h
jmp 0x0000:start ;go
msg db 'Loading Kernel...', 0
;update the segment registers
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, msg
print: ;prints a string
lodsb ;load next char
cmp al, 0 ;if null terminator...
je reset ;...jump to reset:
mov ah, 0Eh ;print AL
mov bx, 7
int 10h
jmp print ;if not null terminator, continue printing
reset: ;resets the floppy drive
mov ax, 0 ;
mov dl, 0 ;drive=0 (=A)
int 13h ;
jc reset ;if error resetting, reset again
mov ax, 1000h ;ES:BX = 1000:000
mov es, ax ;es is 1000h now
mov bx, 0 ;bx is 0 now
mov ah, 2 ;load disk data into ES:BX
mov al, 1 ;load 1 sector
mov ch, 0 ;cylinder=0
mov cl, 2 ;sector=2
mov dh, 0 ;head=0
mov dl, 0 ;drive=0
int 13h ;read!
jc read ;if error then try again
jmp 1000h:0000;jump to the program
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0AA55h
So far so good. My simple temporary stub kernel is as follows:
mov ah, 9
mov al, 'k'
mov bx, 7
mov cx, 5
int 10h
jmp hang
times 510-($-$$)+2 db 0
I also have a shell script to compile, write and boot this setup:
cd ~/Dev/OS # cd to here
rm asm-bin/bootloader.bin # remove old compiled bootloader
rm asm-bin/kernel.bin # remove old compiled kernel
nasm asm-src/bootloader.asm -f bin -o asm-bin/bootloader.bin # compile bootloader
nasm asm-src/kernel.asm -f bin -o asm-bin/kernel.bin # compile kernel
rm images/floppy.img # remove old floppy image
cp images/floppy.img.bak images/floppy.img # copy original floppy image to fresh one
dd if=asm-bin/bootloader.bin of=images/floppy.img bs=512 count=1 seek=0 # write bootloader to first sector
dd if=asm-bin/kernel.bin of=images/floppy.img bs=512 count=1 seek=1 # write kernel to second sector
qemu-system-i386 images/floppy.img # start qemu and boot floppy.img
Now, the expected output in qemu would be (at least what I understand):
Loading Kernel...
But instead, it is:
Loading Kernel...
So, obviously, there is something wrong at the jump, I just don't know what. Maybe you could help me? I would appreciate it.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 603
Reputation: 11963
The bootdrive is stored in dl
register but you override it to 0.
By default the bootdrive is 80h and not 0 as used by the bootloader code.
If you comment out the 2 lines
; mov dl, 0 ;drive=0 (=A)
It will boot as you expect.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 58822
Fix your script, you need to run it with qemu-system-i386 -fda images/floppy.img
. Notice the -fda
parameter. If you omit that, your image will be attached as hard disk and not as floppy disk, so your read will fail (since you have hard-coded the floppy drive).
Upvotes: 2