Reputation: 1181
So I have a gridview with orders filling it. On the side of each row I have set a link button which says "generate invoice". I've defined command name as "GenerateInvoiceCommand" and command argument OrderID so that I can get all the data I need about that order. Now my question is... Is there any way that I can generate a PDF report and once its generated that it automatically starts downloading? Is there any way I can do this without inserting the pdf report first into the database then downloading it?
What other ways are there to generate reports like this?
Any help is appreciated!
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Views: 5276
Reputation: 729
I can see there are two ways :
Because you have tagged Crystal Report, you may want to use first but for gaining more control on your report's appearance second option looks better.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1205
You can generate a report programmatically using following code in C#
you should bound your datatable with your data
DataTable dt = GetDataTableFromDGV(AFIs, ArrayTitle, ArrayEnTitle, ArrayOrder, ArrayChecked);
DataView dataView = dt.DefaultView;
report.ScriptLanguage = StiReportLanguageType.CSharp;
report.RegData("view", dataView);
//fill dictionary
StiPage page = report.Pages.Items[0];
if (Landscape)
page.Orientation = StiPageOrientation.Landscape;
page.Orientation = StiPageOrientation.Portrait;
Double pos = 0;
//Double columnWidth = StiAlignValue.AlignToMinGrid(page.Width / dataView.Table.Columns.Count, 0.1, true);
Double columnWidth = StiAlignValue.AlignToMinGrid(page.Width / dt.Columns.Count, 0.1, true);
int nameIndex = 1;
columnWidth = StiAlignValue.AlignToMinGrid(page.Width / dt.Columns.Count, 0.1, true);
//create ReportTitleBand
StiReportTitleBand rt = new StiReportTitleBand();
rt.Height = 1.5f;
rt.Name = "ReportTitleBand";
StiText st = new StiText(new RectangleD(0, 0, page.Width, 1f));
st.Text.Value = ReportTitle;
st.HorAlignment = StiTextHorAlignment.Center;
st.Name = "TitleText1";
st.Font = new Font(FontName, 16f);
//create HeaderBand
StiHeaderBand headerBand = new StiHeaderBand();
if (chkRotate)
headerBand.Height = 0.9f;
headerBand.Height = 0.5f;
headerBand.Name = "HeaderBand";
//create Dataaband
StiDataBand dataBand = new StiDataBand();
dataBand.DataSourceName = "view" + dataView.Table.TableName;
dataBand.Height = 0.5f;
dataBand.Name = "DataBand";
dataBand.CanBreak = true;//Added 11 20 2014
//create FooterBand
StiFooterBand footerBand = new StiFooterBand();
footerBand.Height = 0.5f;
footerBand.Name = "FooterBand";
footerBand.Border = new StiBorder(StiBorderSides.All, Color.Black, 1, StiPenStyle.Solid);
footerBand.PrintOnAllPages = true;
pos = (page.Width - (columnWidth * Convert.ToDouble(dataView.Table.Columns.Count))) / Convert.ToDouble(2);
for (int i = dataView.Table.Columns.Count - 1; i != -1; i--)
DataColumn column = dataView.Table.Columns[i];
//initilized column value
Double headerHeight = 0.5f;
if (chkRotate)
headerHeight = 0.9f;
StiText headerText = new StiText(new RectangleD(pos, 0, columnWidth, headerHeight));
headerText.Text.Value = Stimulsoft.Report.CodeDom.StiCodeDomSerializator.ReplaceSymbols(column.Caption).Replace("_", " ");//ReplaceUnderLineWithSpace(column.Caption);
if (chkRotate)
headerText.Angle = 90;
headerText.HorAlignment = StiTextHorAlignment.Center;
headerText.VertAlignment = StiVertAlignment.Center;
headerText.Name = "HeaderText" + nameIndex.ToString();
headerText.Brush = new StiSolidBrush(Color.LightGreen);
headerText.Border.Side = StiBorderSides.All;
headerText.Font = new Font(FontName, 11.0f);
headerText.WordWrap = true;
headerText.GrowToHeight = true;
//initilized Data Band value
StiText dataText = new StiText(new RectangleD(pos, 0, columnWidth, 0.5f));
dataText.Text.Value = "{view" + dataView.Table.TableName + "." + Stimulsoft.Report.CodeDom.StiCodeDomSerializator.ReplaceSymbols(column.ColumnName) + "}";
dataText.Name = "DataText" + nameIndex.ToString();
dataText.HorAlignment = StiTextHorAlignment.Center;
dataText.VertAlignment = StiVertAlignment.Center;
dataText.Border.Side = StiBorderSides.All;
dataText.WordWrap = true;
dataText.GrowToHeight = true;
dataText.Font = new Font(FontName, 11.0f);
//Add highlight
if (true)
StiCondition condition = new StiCondition();
condition.BackColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
condition.TextColor = Color.Black;
condition.Expression = "(Line & 1) == 1";
condition.Font = new Font(FontName, 11.0f);
condition.Item = StiFilterItem.Expression;
pos += columnWidth;
////footer text
StiText footerText = new StiText(new RectangleD(0, 0, page.Width, 0.5f));
footerText.Text.Value = "صفحه {PageNumber}";
footerText.HorAlignment = StiTextHorAlignment.Center;
footerText.Name = "FooterText";
footerText.Brush = new StiSolidBrush(Color.WhiteSmoke);
footerText.Font = new Font(FontName, 11.0f);
StiWebViewer1.Report = report;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1404
you should first use a third party software like crystal-reports or stimulsoft to generate the report's template(myReport.mrt) and then do something like this :
StiReport report = new StiReport();
string path = "~/report/myReport.mrt";
// register your data to report's template
if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/report/PDF")))
string ReportFileName = Server.MapPath("~/report/PDF/test.pdf");
report.ExportDocument(StiExportFormat.Pdf, ReportFileName);
FileStream file = File.Open(ReportFileName, FileMode.Open);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf");
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString());
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
hope it helps
Upvotes: 0