Reputation: 405
What I'm looking to do is combine both a pre-created file from my project with the dynamically created manifest file from the jar task in gradle.
Is there any way to do this? Currently I'm generating my manifest files entirely:-
jar.doFirst {
manifest {
def requiredProjects = ''
configurations.compile.getAllDependencies().withType(ProjectDependency).each {dep->
def dependantProjects = dep.getDependencyProject()
def projects = project(dependantProjects.path).libsDir.list().findAll{it.endsWith('.jar')}
def requiredProject = projects.join(' ')
requiredProjects += requiredProject.replaceAll(/ /,'%20') + ' ' 'Required Project: ' + requiredProject
} 'Required requiredProjects: ' + requiredProjects
def compileFiles = configurations.compile.files{ it instanceof ExternalDependency }.collect {
File file = it
}.join(' ')
def manifestPath = requiredProjects + compileFiles 'Manifest: '+ manifestPath
attributes 'Class-Path': manifestPath
attributes 'Build-date': new Date();
attributes 'Application-Version': project.version
I know that I'll have a /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file.
Originally I was using the OSGI plugin for Gradle, but this seems to ignore the manifest file and generate a huge mess.
I've looked into this quite a bit, thanks to carlo I've found the following code will allow me to read an existing MANIFEST.MF:-
jar {
onlyIf { !compileJava.source.empty }
manifest {
// benutze das im Projekt vorliegende File, falls vorhanden:
def manif = "${projectDir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
if (new File(manif).exists()) {
from (manif) {
eachEntry { details ->
if (details.key == 'Bundle-Vendor') {
details.value = 'xyz GmbH'
else { + " doesn't have a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.")
manifest.attributes provider: xyz GmbH'
manifest.attributes project:
manifest.attributes Build: new Date()
// copy if we have these:
from file ('plugin.xml')
from file ('')
into ('icons') { // if any ...
from fileTree('icons')
I've also found a project called 'wuff' which aims to help building OSGi projects with Gradle.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 6624
Reputation: 405
In the end I've managed to get what I wanted using the following code:-
jar.doFirst {
manifest {
def manifestFile = "${projectDir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
if ( new File( manifestFile ).exists() )
from ( manifestFile )
def requiredProjects = ''
configurations.compile.getAllDependencies().withType(ProjectDependency).each {dep->
def dependantProjects = dep.getDependencyProject()
def projects = project(dependantProjects.path).libsDir.list().findAll{it.endsWith('.jar')}
def requiredProject = projects.join(' ')
requiredProjects += requiredProject.replaceAll(/ /,'%20') + ' ' 'Required Project: ' + requiredProject
} 'Required requiredProjects: ' + requiredProjects
def compileFiles = configurations.compile.files{ it instanceof ExternalDependency }.collect {
File file = it
}.join(' ')
def manifestPath = requiredProjects + compileFiles 'Manifest: '+ manifestPath
attributes 'Class-Path': manifestPath
attributes 'Build-date': new Date();
attributes 'Application-Version': project.version
The important lines being :-
def manifestFile = "${projectDir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
if ( new File( manifestFile ).exists() )
from ( manifestFile )
This allows me to inherit any existing /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file and also include classpath dependencies dynamically managed by gradle.
Upvotes: 3