Reputation: 5959
I have gone through the answers with same problem, but isn't there any default way in Struts to prevent resubmission? Also, in my case, if I do reset the form fields, it still saves the old values (but, how do it getting those values)?
I have an dispatch action class as:
public class QrcAction extends DispatchAction
public ActionForward waiverPage( final ActionMapping inMapping,
final ActionForm inForm,
final HttpServletRequest inRequest,
final HttpServletResponse inResponse )
QrcForm qrcForm = (QrcForm) inForm;
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( qrcForm.getCustomerId() ) )
ActionMessages errors = getErrors( inRequest );
errors.add( IAppConstants.APP_ERROR, new ActionMessage( IPropertiesConstant.ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOMER_ID ) );
saveErrors( inRequest, errors );
return inMapping.findForward( IActionForwardConstant.QRC_SEARCH_CUSTOMER_PAGE );
qrcForm.setCustWaiverPojo( new CrmCustWaiverPojo() );
qrcForm.setRemarksPojo( new RemarksPojo() );
return inMapping.findForward( IActionForwardConstant.WAIVER_PAGE );
public ActionForward applyWaiver( final ActionMapping inMapping,
final ActionForm inForm,
final HttpServletRequest inRequest,
final HttpServletResponse inResponse )
String forward = IActionForwardConstant.WAIVER_PAGE;
QrcForm qrcForm = (QrcForm) inForm;
ActionMessages messages = getMessages( inRequest );
ActionMessages errors = getErrors( inRequest );
CrmuserDetailsDto userDto = (CrmuserDetailsDto) inRequest.getSession( false )
.getAttribute( IAppConstants.CRM_USER_OBJECT );
double waiverLimit = 0;
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( userDto.getWaiverLimitAmmount() ) )
waiverLimit = Double.parseDouble( userDto.getWaiverLimitAmmount() );
if ( waiverLimit < qrcForm.getCustWaiverPojo().getWaiverAmount().doubleValue() )
errors.add( IAppConstants.APP_ERROR, new ActionMessage( IPropertiesConstant.ERROR_INVALID_WAIVER_LIMIT,
waiverLimit ) );
QrcFormHelper.validateWaiver( errors, qrcForm ); // validates pojo fields
if ( errors.isEmpty() )
// saving data to database
if ( success )
messages.add( IAppConstants.APP_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage( "success.msg.key" ) );
// resetting the form fields
qrcForm.setCustWaiverPojo( new CrmCustWaiverPojo() );
qrcForm.setRemarksPojo( new RemarksPojo() );
qrcForm.setSrTicketNo( null );
errors.add( IAppConstants.APP_ERROR, new ActionMessage( "error.msg.key" ) );
saveErrors( inRequest, errors );
saveMessages( inRequest, messages );
return inMapping.findForward( forward );
The waiverPage()
is called to display the form and it has submitted to applyWaiver()
. In applyWaiver()
, on successful saving values, I'm resetting the form fields and forwarding it to the same page. After submitting and getting a success result, a message is displayed and the form is cleared, and after that, if I do refresh it again, that makes an entry in db with the same, previously entered values.
Could there be any solution to this problem?
<html:form action="">
<html:hidden property="custWaiverPojo.customerId" name="qrcForm" value="${ qrcForm.customerId }"/>
<label class="label_radio">
<html:radio property="custWaiverPojo.waiverType" value="Goodwill Wavier" name="qrcForm" styleClass="waiverType">Goodwill</html:radio>
<label class="label_radio">
<html:radio property="custWaiverPojo.waiverType" value="Process Wavier" name="qrcForm" styleClass="waiverType">Process</html:radio>
<strong> Select Category </strong>
<span class="LmsdropdownWithoutJs">
<html:select property="custWaiverPojo.waiverHead" name="qrcForm" styleId="waiverHead">
<html:option value="">Please Select</html:option> <!-- options are filled after radio button selection -->
<html:text property="custWaiverPojo.waiverAmount" name="qrcForm" styleClass="textbox" styleId="waiverAmount" maxlength="10"></html:text>
<strong>Bill No. </strong>
<span class="LmsdropdownWithoutJs">
<html:select property="custWaiverPojo.billNo" name="qrcForm" styleId="waiverBill">
<html:option value="0">Please Select</html:option>
<html:option value="20140101">20140101</html:option>
<html:option value="20140201">20140201</html:option>
<html:option value="20140301">20140301</html:option>
<html:option value="20140401">20140401</html:option>
<strong>Ticket ID</strong>
<html:text property="srTicketNo" name="qrcForm" maxlength="20" styleClass="textbox" styleId="waiverSRT"></html:text>
<strong> Remarks</strong>
<html:textarea property="remarksPojo.remarks" name="qrcForm" styleClass="LmsRemarkstextarea" styleId="waiverRemarks"></html:textarea>
<html:submit />
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4144
Reputation: 1
on successful saving values I'm resetting the form fields and forwarding it to the same page.
This is a problem, because after submitting you should redirect to the action that would show you a page. In the action you can also populate a form bean, if it's not a session scoped. So, in the code use the forward that redirects to the action
public ActionForward applyWaiver( final ActionMapping inMapping,
final ActionForm inForm,
final HttpServletRequest inRequest,
final HttpServletResponse inResponse )
if (! errors.isEmpty() )
errors.add( IAppConstants.APP_ERROR, new ActionMessage( "error.msg.key" ) ;
// resetting the form fields
qrcForm.setCustWaiverPojo( new CrmCustWaiverPojo() );
qrcForm.setRemarksPojo( new RemarksPojo() );
qrcForm.setSrTicketNo( null );
saveErrors( inRequest, errors );
saveMessages( inRequest, messages );
return inMapping.findForward( forward );
MessageResources mr = (MessageResources) inRequest.getAttribute(Globals.MESSAGES_KEY);
// saving data to database
if ( success )
inRequest.setAttribute( IAppConstants.APP_MESSAGE, mr.getMessage( "success.msg.key" ) );
inRequest.setAttribute( IAppConstants.APP_MESSAGE, mr.getMessage( "error.msg.key" ) );
return new ActionForward(inMapping.findForward( forward ).getPath(), true ); //true is for redirect
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5959
The solution in this blog uses token to identify the request as:
Step 1:
Save the token in session using saveToken()
method, which is implemented in Action
public class EmployeeLoadAction extends Action{
private final static String SUCCESS = "success";
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
ActionForward forward;
forward = mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
return forward;
Step 2:
In JSP file. Here in this example is employee.jsp
Store the token using hidden
variable in JSP file as shown below.
Don't forget to import Globals
and Constants
class inside JSP file to avoid Jasper Exception
variable inside Action class
is deprecated, so use it from Globlas class
<%@ page import="org.apache.struts.Globals" %>
<%@ page import="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.Constants" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<form name="employee" action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="<%= Constants.TOKEN_KEY %>" value="<%= session.getAttribute(Globals.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_KEY) %>">
<input type="text" name="empName">
<input type="text" name="empId">
<TD colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Step 3:
Now, the actual logic for duplicate submission is inside the EmployeeSubmit
action class.
The method isTokenValid()
will validate the token and return the boolean
Based on that, we can decide whether form has re-submitted.
public class EmployeeSubmitAction extends Action{
private final static String SUCCESS = "success";
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
ActionForward forward;
forward = mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
EmployeeSubmitForm frm = (EmployeeSubmitForm) form;
if (isTokenValid(request)) {
System.out.println("frm.getName() : " + frm.getEmpName());
} else {
System.out.println("frm.getName() : " + frm.getEmpName());
System.out.println("Duplicate Submission of the form");
return forward;
Upvotes: 1