Reputation: 97
I am not sure if the title is correct but here is my problem/question:
I would like to use metaprogramming in order to create functions for a specific expression. For example lets say that we have this code:
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct plus{
T1 func(T1 in1, T2 in2){ return in1 + in2; }
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename expr>
struct wrap{
/* contain a func that can evaluate the expr */
and the programmer will write the code bellow in order to create a function for an expression:
wrap<int,int,int,plus<plus<int,int>,int> >::func(1,2,3); /*result should be 6*/
Is this possible?
Thank you.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 988
Reputation: 48457
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
#include <cstddef>
struct arg
template <typename Arg1>
static constexpr decltype(auto) apply(Arg1&& arg1)
return std::forward<Arg1>(arg1);
static constexpr std::size_t arity = 1;
template <typename Type, Type value>
struct constant
static constexpr decltype(auto) apply()
return value;
static constexpr std::size_t arity = 0;
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct plus
template <typename... Args>
static constexpr decltype(auto) apply(Args&&... args)
return _apply(std::make_index_sequence<Lhs::arity>{}, std::make_index_sequence<Rhs::arity>{}, std::tuple<Args&&...>(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <typename Tuple, std::size_t... Arity1, std::size_t... Arity2>
static constexpr decltype(auto) _apply(std::index_sequence<Arity1...>, std::index_sequence<Arity2...>, Tuple&& args)
return Lhs::apply(static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<Arity1, Tuple>::type>(std::get<Arity1>(args))...)
+ Rhs::apply(static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<Lhs::arity + Arity2, Tuple>::type>(std::get<Lhs::arity + Arity2>(args))...);
static constexpr std::size_t arity = Lhs::arity + Rhs::arity;
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct multiply
template <typename... Args>
static constexpr decltype(auto) apply(Args&&... args)
return _apply(std::make_index_sequence<Lhs::arity>{}, std::make_index_sequence<Rhs::arity>{}, std::tuple<Args&&...>(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <typename Tuple, std::size_t... Arity1, std::size_t... Arity2>
static constexpr decltype(auto) _apply(std::index_sequence<Arity1...>, std::index_sequence<Arity2...>, Tuple&& args)
return Lhs::apply(static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<Arity1, Tuple>::type>(std::get<Arity1>(args))...)
* Rhs::apply(static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<Lhs::arity + Arity2, Tuple>::type>(std::get<Lhs::arity + Arity2>(args))...);
static constexpr std::size_t arity = Lhs::arity + Rhs::arity;
int main()
// (1 + 2) + 3 = 6
std::cout << plus<plus<arg, arg>, arg>::apply(1, 2, 3) << std::endl;
// (a + 5) + (2 * 6) = 9 + 12 = 21
int a = 4;
std::cout << plus<plus<arg, arg>, multiply<arg, constant<int, 6>>>::apply(a, 5, 2) << std::endl;
// ((1 * 2) * 3) * 4 = 24
std::cout << multiply<multiply<multiply<arg, arg>, arg>, arg>::apply(1, 2, 3, 4) << std::endl;
// 2 + (4 * 5) = 22
static_assert(plus<arg, multiply<arg, arg>>::apply(2, 4, 5) == 22, "!");
The above solution can be improved so that introducing new functors requires less effort, and the declarations themselves are more readable, like below:
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
#include <cstddef>
template <std::size_t Arity>
struct expression
static constexpr std::size_t arity = Arity;
template <typename Expr, typename Rhs>
struct unary_expression : expression<Rhs::arity>
template <typename... Args>
static constexpr decltype(auto) apply(Args&&... args)
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == unary_expression::arity, "Wrong number of operands!");
return Expr::eval(Rhs::apply(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <typename Expr, typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct binary_expression : expression<Lhs::arity + Rhs::arity>
template <typename... Args>
static constexpr decltype(auto) apply(Args&&... args)
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == binary_expression::arity, "Wrong number of operands!");
return _apply(std::make_index_sequence<Lhs::arity>{}, std::make_index_sequence<Rhs::arity>{}, std::tuple<Args&&...>(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <typename Tuple, std::size_t... Arity1, std::size_t... Arity2>
static constexpr decltype(auto) _apply(std::index_sequence<Arity1...>, std::index_sequence<Arity2...>, Tuple&& args)
return Expr::eval(Lhs::apply(static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<Arity1, Tuple>::type>(std::get<Arity1>(args))...),
Rhs::apply(static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<Lhs::arity + Arity2, Tuple>::type>(std::get<Lhs::arity + Arity2>(args))...));
struct arg : expression<1>
template <typename Arg1>
static constexpr decltype(auto) apply(Arg1&& arg1)
return std::forward<Arg1>(arg1);
template <typename Type, Type value>
struct constant : expression<0>
static constexpr decltype(auto) apply()
return value;
template <typename Rhs>
struct negate : unary_expression<negate<Rhs>, Rhs>
template <typename Arg1>
static constexpr decltype(auto) eval(Arg1&& arg1)
return -std::forward<Arg1>(arg1);
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct plus : binary_expression<plus<Lhs, Rhs>, Lhs, Rhs>
template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
static constexpr decltype(auto) eval(Arg1&& arg1, Arg2&& arg2)
return std::forward<Arg1>(arg1) + std::forward<Arg2>(arg2);
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct minus : binary_expression<minus<Lhs, Rhs>, Lhs, Rhs>
template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
static constexpr decltype(auto) eval(Arg1&& arg1, Arg2&& arg2)
return std::forward<Arg1>(arg1) - std::forward<Arg2>(arg2);
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct multiply : binary_expression<multiply<Lhs, Rhs>, Lhs, Rhs>
template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
static constexpr decltype(auto) eval(Arg1&& arg1, Arg2&& arg2)
return std::forward<Arg1>(arg1) * std::forward<Arg2>(arg2);
int main()
// (1 + 2) + 3 = 6
std::cout << plus<plus<arg, arg>, arg>::apply(1, 2, 3) << std::endl;
// ((a + 5) + (2 * 6)) - 5 = 16
int a = 4;
std::cout << minus<plus<plus<arg, arg>, multiply<arg, constant<int, 6>>>, constant<int, 5>>::apply(a, 5, 2) << std::endl;
// ((1 * 2) * 3) * 4 = 24
std::cout << multiply<multiply<multiply<arg, arg>, arg>, arg>::apply(1, 2, 3, 4) << std::endl;
// -((3 * 4) + (5 - 6)) = -11
static_assert(negate<plus<multiply<arg, arg>, minus<arg, arg>>>::apply(3, 4, 5, 6) == -11, "!");
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 7294
Absolutely. These are called "expression templates" and you can find the SO highlights here.
I worked on the POOMA system for parallel programming back in the late 90s. Not sure if its been updated to modern standards, but I see that it is still available online here. Underlying POOMA was an "Expression Template Engine" called PETE that could be repurposed for other evaluation engines. PETE is described here. All of that work would be much simpler with C++ 11 and I'm sure there are similar efforts out there that use these newer capabilities.
Upvotes: 2