Reputation: 3269
I'm creating a web app which has an interactive background with particles bouncing around. At all times there are about 200 circular particles on the screen and at most around 800 particles. Some of the collisions and effects that are being run for the particles are the following prototypes. I wonder if I could improve the performance by using web workers to do these calculations?
* Particles
Jarvis.prototype.genForegroundParticles = function(options, count){
count = count || this.logoParticlesNum;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
this.logoParticles.push(new Particle());
Jarvis.prototype.genBackgroundParticles = function(options, count){
count = count || this.backgroundParticlesNum;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
this.backgroundParticles.push(new Particle(options));
Jarvis.prototype.motion = {
linear : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
particle.x += particle.vx
particle.y += particle.vy
normalizeVelocity : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
if (particle.vx - particle.vxInitial > 1) {
particle.vx -= 0.05;
} else if (particle.vx - particle.vxInitial < -1) {
particle.vx += 0.05;
if (particle.vy - particle.vyInitial > 1) {
particle.vy -= 0.05;
} else if (particle.vx - particle.vxInitial < -1) {
particle.vy += 0.05;
explode : function(particle, pIndex, particles) {
if (particle.isBottomOut()) {
particles.splice(pIndex, 1);
} else {
particle.x += particle.vx;
particle.y += particle.vy;
particle.vy += 0.1;
if (particles.length === 0){
this.allowMenu = true;
Jarvis.prototype.collision = {
boundingBox: function(particle, pIndex, particles){
if (particle.y > (this.HEIGHT - particle.radius) || particle.y < particle.radius) {
particle.vy *= -1;
if(particle.x > (this.WIDTH - particle.radius) || particle.x < particle.radius) {
particle.vx *= -1;
boundingBoxGravity: function(particle, pIndex, particles){
if (particle.y > (this.HEIGHT - particle.radius) || particle.y < particle.radius) {
particle.vy *= -1;
particle.vy += 5;
if(particle.x > (this.WIDTH - particle.radius) || particle.x < particle.radius) {
particle.vx *= -1;
particle.vx += 5;
infinity: function(particle, pIndex, particles){
if (particle.x > this.WIDTH){
particle.x = 0;
if (particle.x < 0){
particle.x = this.WIDTH;
if (particle.y > this.HEIGHT){
particle.y = 0;
if (particle.y < 0) {
particle.y = this.HEIGHT;
Jarvis.prototype.fx = {
link : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
for(var j = pIndex + 1; j < particles.length; j++) {
var p1 = particle;
var p2 = particles[j];
var particleDistance = getDistance(p1, p2);
if (particleDistance <= this.particleMinLinkDistance) {
this.backgroundCtx.strokeStyle = "rgba("", "", "","+ (p1.opacity - particleDistance / this.particleMinLinkDistance) +")";
this.backgroundCtx.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
this.backgroundCtx.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
shake : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
if (particle.xInitial - particle.x >= this.shakeAreaThreshold){
particle.xOper = (randBtwn(this.shakeFactorMin, this.shakeFactorMax) * 2) % (this.WIDTH);
} else if (particle.xInitial - particle.x <= -this.shakeAreaThreshold) {
particle.xOper = (randBtwn(-this.shakeFactorMax, this.shakeFactorMin) * 2) % (this.WIDTH);
if (particle.yInitial - particle.y >= this.shakeAreaThreshold){
particle.yOper = (randBtwn(this.shakeFactorMin, this.shakeFactorMax) * 2) % (this.HEIGHT);
} else if (particle.yInitial - particle.y <= -this.shakeAreaThreshold) {
particle.yOper = (randBtwn(-this.shakeFactorMax, this.shakeFactorMin) * 2) % (this.HEIGHT);
particle.x += particle.xOper;
particle.y += particle.yOper;
radialWave : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
var distance = getDistance(particle,;
if (particle.radius >= (this.dim * 0.0085)) {
particle.radiusOper = -0.02;
} else if (particle.radius <= 1) {
particle.radiusOper = 0.02;
particle.radius += particle.radiusOper * particle.radius;
responsive : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
var newPosX = (this.logoParticles.logoOffsetX + this.logoParticles.particleRadius) + (this.logoParticles.particleDistance + this.logoParticles.particleRadius) * particle.arrPos.x;
var newPosY = (this.logoParticles.logoOffsetY + this.logoParticles.particleRadius) + (this.logoParticles.particleDistance + this.logoParticles.particleRadius) * particle.arrPos.y;
if (particle.xInitial !== newPosX || particle.yInitial !== newPosY){
particle.xInitial = newPosX;
particle.yInitial = newPosY;
particle.x = particle.xInitial;
particle.y = particle.yInitial;
motionDetect : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
var isClose = false;
var distance = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.touches.length; i++) {
var t = this.touches[i];
var point = {
x : t.clientX,
y : t.clientY
var d = getDistance(point, particle);
if (d <= this.blackhole) {
isClose = true;
if (d <= distance || distance === null) {
distance = d;
if (isClose){
if (particle.radius < (this.dim * 0.0085)) {
particle.radius += 0.25;
if ( >= 0 && >= 0) { -= 10; -= 10;
} else {
if (particle.radius > particle.initialRadius) {
particle.radius -= 0.25;
if ( <= 255 && <= 255) { += 10; += 10;
reverseBlackhole : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
for (var i = 0; i < this.touches.length; i++) {
var t = this.touches[i];
var point = {
x : t.clientX,
y : t.clientY
var distance = getDistance(point, particle);
if (distance <= this.blackhole){
var diff = getPointsDifference(point, particle);
particle.vx += -diff.x / distance;
particle.vy += -diff.y / distance;
Furthermore in case anyone wonders I have 3 canvas layers & I'll add the particles rendering function and the clear function for all canvas layers
Background which draws a full screen radial gradient & particles
Menu canvas
Menu button overlay selectors (show which menu is active etc)
Jarvis.prototype.backgroundDraw = function() {
// particles
var that = this;
this.logoParticles.forEach(function(particle, i){
that.logoParticles.motion.forEach(function(motionType, motionIndex){
that.motion[motionType].call(that, particle, i, that.logoParticles, "foregroundParticles");
that.logoParticles.fx.forEach(function(fxType, fxIndex){
that.fx[fxType].call(that, particle, i, that.logoParticles, "foregroundParticles");
that.logoParticles.collision.forEach(function(collisionType, collisionIndex){
that.collision[collisionType].call(that, particle, i, that.logoParticles, "foregroundParticles");
this.backgroundParticles.forEach(function(particle, i){
that.backgroundParticles.motion.forEach(function(motionType, motionIndex){
that.motion[motionType].call(that, particle, i, that.backgroundParticles, "backgroundParticles");
that.backgroundParticles.fx.forEach(function(fxType, fxIndex){
that.fx[fxType].call(that, particle, i, that.backgroundParticles, "backgroundParticles");
that.backgroundParticles.collision.forEach(function(collisionType, collisionIndex){
that.collision[collisionType].call(that, particle, i, that.backgroundParticles, "backgroundParticles");
Jarvis.prototype.clearCanvas = function() {
case "radial_gradient":
this.setBackgroundRadialGradient(this.background.color1, this.background.color2);
case "plane_color":
this.setBackgroundColor(,,, this.background.opacity);
this.setBackgroundColor(142, 214, 255, 1);
this.foregroundCtx.clearRect(this.clearStartX, this.clearStartY, this.clearDistance, this.clearDistance);
this.middlegroundCtx.clearRect(this.clearStartX, this.clearStartY, this.clearDistance, this.clearDistance);
Jarvis.prototype.mainLoop = function() {
Any other optimization tips will be greatly appreciated. I've read a couple of articles but I'm not sure how to optimize this code further.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 1867
Reputation: 4812
If you are looking to speed up code, here are some micro-optimizations:
for(var i = 0, l = bla.length; i < l; i++) { ... }
instead of bla.forEach(...)
radius <= distance
is slow, radius*radius <= distanceSquared
is fast.reverseBlackhole : function(particle, pIndex, particles)
var blackholeSqr = this.blackhole * this.blackhole,
touches = this.touches,
fnSqrt = Math.sqrt,
t, diffX, diffY, dstSqr;
for (var i = 0, l = touches.length; i < l; i++) {
t = touches[i];
diffX = particle.x - t.clientX;
diffY = particle.y - t.clientY;
distSqr = (diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);
// comparing distance without a SQRT needed
if (dstSqr <= blackholeSqr){
var dist = Math.sqrt(dstSqr);
particle.vx -= diffX / dist;
particle.vy -= diffY / dist;
To speed up drawing (or make it lag less during drawing):
And for the whole animation:
: in case of 200 particles, this will dothis.backgroundParticles.forEach(
To get this more performance, remove the OOP stuff and go for ugly spaghetti code, only where it makes sense.
Collision detection can be optimized by not testing every particle against each other. Just look up quadtrees. Not that hard to implement, and the basics of it can be used to come up with a custom solution.
Since you are doing quite some vector math, try out the glmatrix library. Optimized vector math :-)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 18408
I think you might find that webworker support is about equal to WebGL support:
WebGL Support:
WebWorker Support:
On the surface they may appear to be different, but they aren't really. The only thing you'll gain is IE10 support temporarily. IE11 has already surpassed IE10 in market share and the divide will continue to grow. The only thing to note is that webgl support also seems to be based on updated graphics card drivers.
Of course, I don't know your specific needs so maybe this doesn't work.
Many libraries do this. Canvas should be usable and just a little cool. WebGL generally has all the cool particle features.
You'll likely need to use a deferred library or create a system that figures out when all the webworkers are done and have a pool of worker threads.
Some caveats:
Unconfirmed Rumor: I've heard that there's a limited amount of data you can pass through the web worker messages. You should test this since it seems directly applicable to your use case.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3059
You can use FabricJS Canvas Library. FabricJS by default supports interactivity, when you create a new object (circle, rectangle and etc) you can manipulate it by mouse or touchscreen.
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
var rect = new fabric.Rect({
width: 10, height: 20,
left: 100, top: 100,
fill: 'yellow',
angle: 30
See, we work there in object oriented way.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 10849
I don't know what major improvement you can do here except switching to a technology that uses hardware acceleration.
I hope this helps a bit, though as stated in question's comments WebGL would be really faster. If you don't know where to start, here is a good one: webglacademy
Still I saw some little thingies:
radialWave : function(particle, pIndex, particles){
// As you don't use distance here remove this line
// it's a really greedy calculus that involves square root
// always avoid if you don't have to use it
// var distance = getDistance(particle,;
if (particle.radius >= (this.dim * 0.0085)) {
particle.radiusOper = -0.02;
} else if (particle.radius <= 1) {
particle.radiusOper = 0.02;
particle.radius += particle.radiusOper * particle.radius;
Another little thingy:
Jarvis.prototype.backgroundDraw = function() {
// particles
var that = this;
// Declare callbacks outside of forEach calls
// it will save you a function declaration each time you loop
// Do this for logo particles
var logoMotionCallback = function(motionType, motionIndex){
// Another improvement may be to use a direct function that does not use 'this'
// and instead pass this with a parameter called currentParticle for example
// call and apply are known to be pretty heavy -> see if you can avoid this
that.motion[motionType].call(that, particle, i, that.logoParticles, "foregroundParticles");
var logoFxCallback = function(fxType, fxIndex){
that.fx[fxType].call(that, particle, i, that.logoParticles, "foregroundParticles");
var logoCollisionCallback = function(collisionType, collisionIndex){
that.collision[collisionType].call(that, particle, i, that.logoParticles, "foregroundParticles");
this.logoParticles.forEach(function(particle, i){
// Now do the same for background particles
var bgMotionCallback = function(motionType, motionIndex){
that.motion[motionType].call(that, particle, i, that.backgroundParticles, "backgroundParticles");
var bgFxCallback = function(fxType, fxIndex){
that.fx[fxType].call(that, particle, i, that.backgroundParticles, "backgroundParticles");
var bgCollisionCallback = function(collisionType, collisionIndex){
that.collision[collisionType].call(that, particle, i, that.backgroundParticles, "backgroundParticles");
this.backgroundParticles.forEach(function(particle, i){
Upvotes: 1