"Details" table which contains Name, Age and Date columns.
create table Details(Name String,Age int, Date String)
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
Name Age Date
aa 11 2012-04-06
bb 12 2012-04-06
cc 13 2013-02-10
dd 14 2013-02-10
ee 15 2013-02-10
ff 16 2014-04-01
gg 17 2014-04-01
hh 18 2014-04-01
ii 19 2014-04-01
jj 20 2014-04-01
How to insert the data into "Person" table by dynamic partitioning using Date column from "Details" table.
In the above scenario it must contain 3 partitions with data as
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Views: 458
hive> create table Person (Name String,Age int) partitioned by (date string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
hive> insert into table Person partition(date) select name,age,date from Details;
Upvotes: 0