Reputation: 1216
we are developing and app that allows the user to add user credit by paypal. In order to do that in iOS we do:
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
float value = [[numberFormatter numberFromString:self.tfBalance.text] floatValue];
value = value * 1.04;
// Create a PayPalPayment
PayPalPayment *payment = [[PayPalPayment alloc] init];
// Amount, currency, and description
payment.amount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f", value]];
payment.currencyCode = @"EUR";
payment.shortDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Añadir Saldo: %@+4%% comisión PayPal", self.tfBalance.text];
payment.intent = PayPalPaymentIntentSale;
PayPalPaymentViewController *paymentViewController;
paymentViewController = [[PayPalPaymentViewController alloc] initWithPayment:payment
// Present the PayPalPaymentViewController.
[self presentViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
And the delegate:
#pragma mark - PayPal delegate
- (void)payPalPaymentViewController:(PayPalPaymentViewController *)paymentViewController
didCompletePayment:(PayPalPayment *)completedPayment {
// Payment was processed successfully; send to server for verification and fulfillment.
[self verifyCompletedPayment:completedPayment];
// Dismiss the PayPalPaymentViewController.
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)payPalPaymentDidCancel:(PayPalPaymentViewController *)paymentViewController {
// The payment was canceled; dismiss the PayPalPaymentViewController.
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)verifyCompletedPayment:(PayPalPayment *)completedPayment {
// Verificamos en el servidor si se ha realizado el pago
NSDictionary* response = [completedPayment.confirmation objectForKey:@"response"];
NSString* paypalId = [response objectForKey:@"id"];
[[MMApplicationModel sharedInstance].restManager createPayPalOperation:paypalId amount:[completedPayment.amount stringValue] completionHandler:^(bool verified) {
[self.tfBalance setText:@""];
[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(refreshBalance) withObject:nil];
//Mostramos el error
[MBProgressHUD hideAllHUDsForView:self.view animated:YES];
[self showMessage:NSLocalizedString(@"topup_error_creating_operation", nil) withTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"error", nil) andTag:0];
The thing is that in PayPal SDK documentation, they say:
After a successful payment is made with the MSDK 2.x, the MSDK returns data to your app about the payment (received by the MSDK from the REST API).
"client": {
"environment": "sandbox",
"paypal_sdk_version": "2.0.0",
"platform": "iOS",
"product_name": "PayPal iOS SDK;"
"response": {
"create_time": "2014-02-12T22:29:49Z",
"id": "PAY-564191241M8701234KL57LXI",
"intent": "sale",
"state": "approved"
"response_type": "payment"
You server can store the unique payment id value from the above response.
As the paypal id is the identifier to check the paypal operation in the server. But PayPal-SDK for iOS is always returning same id (in Android is working well) so I don't know if it is a sandbox issue or I am doing something wrong.
Has anyone had the same issue?
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 0
Views: 337
Reputation: 401
It looks like the library you are using is quite old 2.0.0, so it the creation time. Have you tried reproducing this behavior with latest PayPal SDK ?
Upvotes: 2