Reputation: 73
I'm implementing a fill holes algorithm, the value of byte 0 is used as the background because I need to implement a floodfill algorihtm first.
My code is giving me a Stack Overflow Exception if I use the check8 for the position of TopLeft, Left or BotLeft of my current pixel.
But its fine if I just use the Top, TopRight, Right, BotRight and Bot.
I checked using the instruments-allocation tool and yes I was getting a lot of malloc calls.
But I don't know why it is behaving like that.
let FillHoles (img : Bitmap) =
let bd = img.LockBits(Rectangle(0,0,img.Width,img.Height),ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
let mutable (p:nativeptr<byte>) = NativePtr.ofNativeInt (bd.Scan0)
let rec check8 (point:nativeptr<byte>) x y =
if (x>=0 && x<=img.Width-1 && y>=0 && y<=img.Height-1)then
if((NativePtr.get point 0)=(byte 0)) then
NativePtr.set point 0 (byte 255)
// if (x<>0) then
// check8 (NativePtr.add point -4) (x-1) y //Left -4
// if (x<>0 && y<>0) then
// check8 (NativePtr.add point -(bd.Stride + 4)) (x-1) (y-1) //TopLeft
if (y<>0) then
check8 (NativePtr.add point -(bd.Stride)) x (y-1) //Top
if (x<>img.Width-1 && y<>0) then
check8 (NativePtr.add point -(bd.Stride - 4)) (x+1) (y-1) //TopRight
if (x<img.Width-1) then
check8 (NativePtr.add point 4) (x+1) y //Right
if (x<>img.Width-1 && y<>img.Height-1) then
check8 (NativePtr.add point (bd.Stride + 4)) (x+1) (y+1) //BotRight
if (y<>img.Height-1) then
check8 (NativePtr.add point (bd.Stride)) x (y+1) //Bot
// if (x<>0 && y<>img.Height-1) then
// check8 (NativePtr.add point (bd.Stride - 4)) (x-1) (y+1) //BotLeft
| :? System.NullReferenceException as ex -> (printfn "%A" ex.Message)
| :? System.StackOverflowException as ex -> (printfn "%A" ex.Message)
for row in 0 .. img.Height-1 do
for col in 0 .. img.Width-1 do
if (row=0 || row=img.Height-1 || col=0 || col=img.Width-1) then
check8 p row col
p <- NativePtr.add p 4
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Views: 204
Reputation: 47904
A tail call cannot occur in a try-catch. See How are tail calls compiled? in this blog post by the F# Team.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 73
I was trying to do a tail recursive flood fill but I ran out of time so I implemented it with a stack.
The recursive one I couldn't debug it properly, my IDE was behaving strangely all the stack frames probably were messing with it.
There is probably a more functional approach.
let FloodFill (img : Bitmap) =
let bd = img.LockBits(Rectangle(0,0,img.Width,img.Height),ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
let check4 x y =
let (checkPointer:nativeptr<byte>) = NativePtr.add (NativePtr.ofNativeInt (bd.Scan0)) (bd.Stride*y+x*4)
if(NativePtr.get checkPointer 0 = byte 0) then
let st = Stack()
while(st.Count > 0) do
let current = st.Pop()
let xx = fst current
let yy = snd current
let (pointer:nativeptr<byte>) = NativePtr.add (NativePtr.ofNativeInt (bd.Scan0)) (bd.Stride*yy+xx*4)
NativePtr.set pointer 0 (byte 255)
let (point:nativeptr<byte>) = NativePtr.add (NativePtr.ofNativeInt (bd.Scan0)) (bd.Stride*yy+(xx+1)*4)
if(NativePtr.get point 0 = byte 0) then
let (point:nativeptr<byte>) = NativePtr.add (NativePtr.ofNativeInt (bd.Scan0)) (bd.Stride*yy+(xx-1)*4)
if(NativePtr.get point 0 = byte 0) then
let (point:nativeptr<byte>) = NativePtr.add (NativePtr.ofNativeInt (bd.Scan0)) (bd.Stride*(yy+1)+xx*4)
if(NativePtr.get point 0 = byte 0) then
let (point:nativeptr<byte>) = NativePtr.add (NativePtr.ofNativeInt (bd.Scan0)) (bd.Stride*(yy-1)+xx*4)
if(NativePtr.get point 0 = byte 0) then
for row in 0 .. img.Height-1 do
for col in 0 .. img.Width-1 do
if (row=0 || row=img.Height-1 || col=0 || col=img.Width-1) then
check4 row col
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