Reputation: 1123
I have 5 columns x, y, r, g, b with values of line number, column number, red, green and blue. The lines of this n by 5 matrix are not in a particular order, however they are consistent with image(x,y) and the r,g,b.
I would like to do something like I=uint8(zeros(480,640,3)
and just change those rgb values based on the n by 5 mat.
Something along the lines of I(mat(:,1), mat(:,2), 1)=mat(:,3) for red etc
Upvotes: 2
Views: 110
Reputation: 112759
The following uses the concept of linear indexing and the versatile bsxfun
m = 640; %// number of rows
n = 480; %// number of columns
I = zeros(m, n, 3, 'uint8'); %// initiallize directly as uint8
I(bsxfun(@plus, x(:)+(y(:)-1)*m, (0:2)*m*n)) = [r(:) g(:) b(:)]; %// fill values
Small example: for
m = 2;
n = 3;
x = [1 2 1];
y = [1 1 2];
r = [ 1 2 3];
g = [11 12 13];
b = [21 22 23];
the code produces
I(:,:,1) =
1 3 0
2 0 0
I(:,:,2) =
11 13 0
12 0 0
I(:,:,3) =
21 23 0
22 0 0
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3574
An alternative:
INDr = sub2ind([480, 640, 3], mat(:, 1), mat(:,2), ones([numel(mat(:,3)), 1]));
INDg = sub2ind([480, 640, 3], mat(:, 1), mat(:,2), 2*ones([numel(mat(:,3)), 1]));
INDb = sub2ind([480, 640, 3], mat(:, 1), mat(:,2), 3*ones([numel(mat(:,3)), 1]));
I=uint8(zeros(480,640, 3));
Note that in Matlab, the convention between axes is different between images and arrays.
Upvotes: 1