Reputation: 590
I'm using ASP.Net MVC and trying to set the datasource rowID value in each TR #ID attribute.
Problem is I'm getting table id=myDataTable - Requested unknown parameter '1' for row 0.
the controller returns:
var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = jsonSerialiser.Serialize(List);
return Json(new
sEcho = param.sEcho,
iTotalRecords = result.Count,
iTotalDisplayRecords = 10,
aaData = json
and List is a list of:
public class MyObj
public string DT_RowId {get;set;}
public string NumeLocatie {get;set;}
DataTables initializer is:
oSesizariTable = $('#myDataTable').dataTable({
"scrollY": "600px",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"scrollX": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "ControlSLA/AjaxHandler",
"bProcessing": true,
"aoColumnDefs": [
"width": "30",
"class": "details-control",
"orderable": false,
"mdata": null,
"defaultContent": "",
"targets": 0
{ "targets": 1, "width": "30", "mdata": "NumeLocatie" },],
"fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
aoData.push({ "name": "DeLa", "value": $('#sesizariDeLa').val() });
aoData.push({ "name": "La", "value": $('#sesizariLa').val() });
$.getJSON(sSource, aoData, function (json) {
$("#Refresh").click(function (e) {
I've just started with ASP.Net and MVC... I can't get to the bottom of this!!!
Data sent from controller is:
{ draw = 1, recordsTotal = 2, recordsFiltered = 10, data = "[[\"DT_RowId\":\"ses_35335\",\"NumeLocatie\":\"Galati 1_\"],[\"DT_RowId\":\"ses_35342\",\"NumeLocatie\":\"3 Craiovei\"]]" }
and now the error is:
table id=myDataTable - Requested unknown parameter 'NumeLocatie' for row 0
After I click OK at the error prompt, the table shows every letter in the data in 1 row.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 719
Reputation: 590
OK, I've found the problem, and decided to post an answer here, maybe someone else is going to have the same problem. Indeed, as @MarioLopez said (thanks for pointing me in the right direction), there was a problem with the data format:
var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = jsonSerialiser.Serialize(List);
was enclosing the list of objects in double quotes:
data = "[[\"DT_RowId\"...
when it should've been:
data = [[\"DT_RowId\"...
So I just had to pass the list directly to the JSON response:
return Json(new
sEcho = param.sEcho,
iTotalRecords = result.Count,
iTotalDisplayRecords = 10,
aaData = list // this is the list<MyObj> not the jsonSerialiser
Upvotes: 2