

postgresql-simple query error

EDIT: I now have a better idea of what is going wrong. When I perform that query in plain old psql, I get the following result:

=# SELECT * FROM gerund LIMIT1;                 
  infinitive │   gerund    │ gerund_english 
  abandonar  │ abandonando │ abandoning

So, I am getting back 3 strings? However, I say that I am getting back IO [Only String]. I am sure it is my type signature here that is messing things up ...

I am trying to make a simple query using the postgresql-simple library with Haskell. My code is pasted below along with the error I am seeing. Anyone got any ideas?

My database is called verbos and within it, I have a table called gerund. I am able to run a query_ that contains: conn "SELECT 2 + 2" and that works fine. I can also connect to my database with the default data as specified with the default information (password = 'postgres' : psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres (from the docs[1])

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple

main = do
    conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo {
        connectPassword = "postgres",
        connectDatabase = "verbos"
    mapM_ print =<< (query_ conn "SELECT * FROM gerund LIMIT 1" :: IO [Only String])

Gives me the following error:

ConversionFailed {errSQLType = "3 values: [(Basic {typoid = Oid 1043, typcategory = 'S', typdelim = ',', typname = \"varchar\"},Just \"abandonar\"),(Basic {typoid = Oid 1043, typcategory = 'S', typdelim = ',', typname = \"varchar\"},Just \"abandonando\"),(Basic {typoid = Oid 1043, typcategory = 'S', typdelim = ',', typname = \"varchar\"},Just \"abandoning\")]", errSQLTableOid = Nothing, errSQLField = "", errHaskellType = "1 slots in target type", errMessage = "mismatch between number of columns to convert and number in target type"}

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Answers (1)



OK, Thanks to @AlpMestanogullari, @muistooshort, I got an answer here. My final code is:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import Control.Applicative
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow

data Gerund = Gerund { 
    f :: String, 
    s :: String, 
    t :: String 
} deriving (Show)

instance FromRow Gerund where 
    fromRow = Gerund <$> field <*> field <*> field

main = do
    conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo {
        connectPassword = "postgres",
        connectDatabase = "verbos"
    mapM_ print =<< (query_ conn q :: IO [Gerund])
        where q = "SELECT * FROM gerund LIMIT 1"


  • Knowing that my result contained 3 result columns, I needed to define a type that had 'space' for the results (f, s and t in the Gerund type)
  • I followed the docs[1] for FromRow closely to get my type and instance defined.
  • You need to import import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow to access things like field.

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