Reputation: 101
I'm new to scheme and am trying to write a quick sort in it and I can't seem to get the filter function figured out. I believe filter takes two arguments, a procedure that can be applied to each element in a list and then a list onto which the procedure is applied.
#lang racket
;Quick sort
(define(quickSort l)
[(null? l)('(()))]
[(append(quickSort(filter(lambda(x)(< x car l))(cdr l))))(list(car l))(quickSort(filter(lambda(x)(>= x car l)(cdr l) cdr l)))]
(quickSort '(5 9 4 6 8 7 1 9))
This gives me a contract violation that says the (< x car l) should be ?real, and what it is getting is the car procedure.
I tried extracting the filter function and running it by itself, like so:
(filter(lambda(x)(< x car '(3 5 1 7 8))(cdr '(3 5 1 7 8))))
but this is telling me there is only one argument. I'm not sure why. It appears to me that there are two.
So, any ideas? I initially thought that it might be a problem with the arguments to the filter function, but now I'm thinking that maybe lambda can't accept the (car l) parameter? Would it not evaluate before being passed?
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Views: 800
Reputation: 74645
Indent your code and then you'll see that there are syntactical errors. I have corrected them in the following:
;Quick sort
(define (quickSort l)
(cond [(null? l) '()]
[else (append (quickSort (filter (lambda (x) (< x (car l))) (cdr l)))
(list (car l))
(quickSort (filter (lambda (x) (>= x (car l))) (cdr l))))]))
Upvotes: 1