Reputation: 677
I want to read 12h format time from file and replace it with 24 hour
this is due at 3:15am -> this is due 15:15
I tried saving variables in regex and manupilate it later but didnt work, I also tried using substitution "/s" but because it is variable I couldnt figure it out
Here is my code:
while (<>) {
my $line = $_;
print ("this is text before: $line \n");
if ($line =~ m/\d:\d{2}pm/g){
print "It is PM! \n";}
elsif ($line =~ m/(\d):(\d\d)am/g){
print "this is try: $line \n";
print "Its AM! \n";}
$line =~ s/($regexp)/<French>$lexicon{$1}<\/French>/g;
print "sample after : $line\n";
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Views: 231
Reputation: 26687
A simple script can do the work for you
$str="this is due at 3:15pm";
$hour=($2 eq "am")? ( ($1 == 12 )? 0 : $1 ) : ($1 == 12 ) ? $1 :$1+12;
print "$str\n";
Gives output as
this is due 15:15
What it does??
Tries to match the string with the regex
matches anything other than digits. Here it matches this is due at
matches any number of digits. Here it matches 3
. Captured in group 1 , $1
which is the hours
matches :
matches any number of digits. Here it matches 15
, which is the minutes
matches anything follwed, here am
. Captures in group 2, `$2
anchors the regex at end of
$hour=($2 eq "am")? ( ($1 == 12 )? 0 : $1 ) : ($1 == 12 ) ? $1 :$1+12;
Converts to 24 hour clock. If $2
is pm
adds 12
unless it is 12
. Also if the time is am
and 12
then the hour is 0
substitutes anything from at
to end of string with $hour:$min
, which is the time obtained from the ternary operation performed before
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 5921
Try this it give what you expect
my @data = <DATA>;
foreach my $sm(@data){
if($sm =~/(12)\.\d+(pm)/g){
print "$&\n";
elsif($sm =~m/(\d+(\.)?\d+)(pm)/g )
print $1+12,"\n";
Time 3.15am
Time 3.16pm
Time 5.17pm
Time 1.11am
Time 1.01pm
Time 12.11pm
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2589
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $values = time_12h_to_24h("11:00 PM");
sub time_12h_to_24h
my($t12) = @_;
my($hh,$mm,$ampm) = $t12 =~ m/^(\d\d?):(\d\d?)\s*([AP]M?)/i;
$hh = ($hh % 12) + (($ampm =~ m/AM?/i) ? 0 : 12);
return sprintf("%.2d:%.2d", $hh, $mm);
I found this code in the bleow link. Please check: Is my pseudo code for changing time format correct?
Upvotes: 1