Reputation: 436
I am building a really basic Cocoa application using WebKit, to display a Flash/Silverlight application within it. Very basic, no intentions for it to be a browser itself.
So far I have been able to get it to open basic html links (<a href="..." />
) in a new instance of Safari using
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[request URL]];
Now my difficulty is opening a link in a new instance of Safari when
is used in JavaScript. I "think" (and by this, I have been hacking away at the code and am unsure if i actually did or not) I got this kind of working by setting the WebView's policyDelegate
and implementing its
delegate method. However this led to some erratic behavior.
So the simple question, what do I need to do so that when
is called, the link is opened in a new instance of Safari.
Big point, I am normally a .NET developer, and have only been working with Cocoa/WebKit for a few days.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 11347
Reputation: 436
I made from progress last night and pinned down part of my problem.
I am already using webView:decidePolicyForNewWindowAction:request:newFrameName:decisionListener:
and I have gotten it to work with anchor tags, however the method never seems to get called when JavaScript is invoked.
However when
is called webView:createWebViewWithRequest:request
is called, I have tried to force the window to open in Safari here, however request is always null. So I can never read the URL out.
I have done some searching around, and this seems to be a known "misfeature" however I have not been able to find a way to work around it.
From what I understand createWebViewWithRequest
gives you the ability to create the new webview, the the requested url is then sent to the new webView to be loaded. This is the best explanation I have been able to find so far.
So while many people have pointed out this problem, I have yet to see any solution which fits my needs. I will try to delve a little deeper into the decidePolicyForNewWindowAction
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 2169
An alternative to returning a new WebView and waiting for its loadRequest:
method to be called, I ended up overwriting the
function in the WebView's JSContext:
First, I set my controller to be the WebFrameLoadDelegate of the WebView:
myWebView.frameLoadDelegate = self;
Then, in the delegate method, I overwrote the
function, and I can process the URL there instead.
- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView didCreateJavaScriptContext:(JSContext *)context forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame{
context[@"window"][@"open"] = ^(id url){
NSLog(@"url to load: %@", url);
This let me handle the request however I needed to without the awkward need to create additional WebViews.
Upvotes: 0
Windows created from JavaScript via go through createWebViewWithRequest. All calls result in a createWebViewWithRequest: with a null request, then later a location change on that WebView.
For further information, see this old post on the WebKit mailing list.
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Reputation: 342
By reading all posts, i have come up with my simple solution, all funcs are in same class,here it is, opens a link with browser.
- (WebView *)webView:(WebView *)sender createWebViewWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
return [self externalWebView:sender];
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(NSDictionary *)actionInformation request:(NSURLRequest *)request frame:(WebFrame *)frame decisionListener:(id<WebPolicyDecisionListener>)listener
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[actionInformation objectForKey:WebActionOriginalURLKey]];
WebView *webView = newWebView;
[webView setUIDelegate:self];
[webView setPolicyDelegate:self];
[webView setResourceLoadDelegate:self];
return webView;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 16317
There seems to be a bug with webView:decidePolicyForNewWindowAction:request:newFrameName:decisionListener:
in that the request is always nil
, but there is a robust solution that works with both normal target="_blank"
links as well as javascript ones.
Basically I use another ephemeral WebView to handle the new page load in. Similar to Yoni Shalom but with a little more syntactic sugar.
To use it first set a delegate object for your WebView, in this case I'm setting myself as the delegate:
webView.UIDelegate = self;
Then just implement the webView:createWebViewWithRequest:
delegate method and use my block based API to do something when a new page is loaded, in this case I'm opening the page in an external browser:
-(WebView *)webView:(WebView *)sender createWebViewWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
return [GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler riggedWebViewWithLoadHandler:^(NSURL *url) {
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:url];
That's pretty much it. Here's the code for my class. Header:
// GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler.h
// TabApp2
// Created by Luka Mirosevic on 13/03/2013.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Goonbee. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class WebView;
typedef void(^NewWindowCallback)(NSURL *url);
@interface GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler : NSObject
+(WebView *)riggedWebViewWithLoadHandler:(NewWindowCallback)handler;
// GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler.m
// TabApp2
// Created by Luka Mirosevic on 13/03/2013.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Goonbee. All rights reserved.
#import "GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler.h"
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
@interface GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler ()
@property (strong, nonatomic) WebView *attachedWebView;
@property (strong, nonatomic) GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler *retainedSelf;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NewWindowCallback handler;
@implementation GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler
-(id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
//create a new webview with self as the policyDelegate, and keep a ref to it
self.attachedWebView = [WebView new];
self.attachedWebView.policyDelegate = self;
return self;
-(void)webView:(WebView *)sender decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(NSDictionary *)actionInformation request:(NSURLRequest *)request frame:(WebFrame *)frame decisionListener:(id<WebPolicyDecisionListener>)listener {
//execute handler
if (self.handler) {
//our job is done so safe to unretain yourself
self.retainedSelf = nil;
+(WebView *)riggedWebViewWithLoadHandler:(NewWindowCallback)handler {
//create a new handler
GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler *newWindowHandler = [GBWebViewExternalLinkHandler new];
//store the block
newWindowHandler.handler = handler;
//retain yourself so that we persist until the webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener: method has been called
newWindowHandler.retainedSelf = newWindowHandler;
//return the attached webview
return newWindowHandler.attachedWebView;
Licensed as Apache 2.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 499
Well, I'm handling it by creating a dummy webView, setting it's frameLoad delegate to a custom class that handles
- (void)webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:actionInformation :request:frame:decisionListener:
and opens a new window there.
code :
- (WebView *)webView:(WebView *)sender createWebViewWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
//this is a hack because request URL is null here due to a bug in webkit
return [newWindowHandler webView];
and NewWindowHandler :
@implementation NewWindowHandler
-(NewWindowHandler*)initWithWebView:(WebView*)newWebView {
webView = newWebView;
[webView setUIDelegate:self];
[webView setPolicyDelegate:self];
[webView setResourceLoadDelegate:self];
return self;
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(NSDictionary *)actionInformation request:(NSURLRequest *)request frame:(WebFrame *)frame decisionListener:(id<WebPolicyDecisionListener>)listener {
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[actionInformation objectForKey:WebActionOriginalURLKey]];
-(WebView*)webView {
return webView;
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 43452
You don't mention what kind of erratic behaviour you are seeing. A quick possibility, is that when implementing the delegate method you forgot to tell the webview you are ignoring the click by calling the ignore method of the WebPolicyDecisionListener that was passed to your delegate, which may have put things into a weird state.
If that is not the issue, then how much control do you have over the content you are displaying? The policy delegate gives you easy mechanisms to filter all resource loads (as you have discovered), and all new window opens via webView:decidePolicyForNewWindowAction:request:newFrameName:decisionListener:. All calls should funnel through that, as will anything else that triggers a new window.
If there are other window opens you want to keep inside your app, you will to do a little more work. One of the arguments passed into the delegate is a dictionary containing information about the event. Insie that dictionary the WebActionElementKey will have a dictionary containing a number of details, including the original dom content of the link. If you want to poke around in there you can grab the actual DOM element, and check the text of the href to see if it starts with That is a bit heavy weight, but if you want fine grained control it will give it to you.
Upvotes: 2